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基松宾女士帮助撰写了粮农组织的这份报告。Ms. Quisumbing helped write the FAO report.

麦克杜格尔纪念讲演和粮农组织新的成员国McDougall Lecture and new FAO Member Country

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粮农组织作为一个机构应当负有责任。FAO as an institution should be held responsible.

粮农组织也是知识和信息的来源。FAO is also a source of knowledge and information.

阿利诺维告诉美国之音,粮农组织有一个策略把农民留在家园。He says that FAO has a strategy for doing just that.

粮农组织对一些提高认识的活动提供支持。FAO supports a number of awareness-raising activities.

伊拉克人仍然控制着法奥半岛的一部分。The Iraqis still control a portion of the Fao peninsula.

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预计他将于2008年1月到粮农组织赴任。He is expected to assume his duties at FAO in January 2008.

近期的FAO报告对各个地区进行了详细说明。This recent FAO report has lots of region-by-region detail.

粮农组织与广受欢迎的职业体育界同心协力。FAO has united with the popular world of professional sport.

粮农组织相信,在这方面家畜育种至关重要。Livestock breeding is crucial in this respect, FAO believes.

世界粮食日前一天组织的粮农组织大使圆桌会议The FAO Ambassadors Round Table on the eve of World Food Day

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是粮农组织每年将7850万婴儿带到这个世界上的吗?Does FAO bring 78.5 million babies into the world every year?

外事处将在新生入学后统一安排体检。FAO will arrange physical exam or verification for new students.

在粮农组织总部举办的世界粮食日其他庆祝活动包括Other events at FAO headquarters in observance of World Food Day are

当你踏入史瓦兹玩具城,就进了一座玩具乐园。When you step into FAO Schwarz , you step into a wonderland of toys.

一个无声旋转玩具在FAO斯洛瓦店的深色窗户中旋转。A carousel of quiet toys turned in the darkened windows of FAO Schwarz.

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粮农组织的使命是处理粮食安全和减少贫困。The mandate of FAO is to address food security and poverty alleviation.

他称粮农组织将在明年初制订出一份更为详细的评估报告。He expects the FAO to release a more detailed assessment early next year.

粮农组织还在防灾、备灾和预警方面发挥至关重要的作用。FAO also plays a crucial role in prevention, preparedness and early warning.