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我的眼泪在你心里永远是无理取闹。I have tears in your heart is always vexatious.

往后再也没有讨厌的老师,紧张的考试,再也不用上学了!No more vexatious teachers, stressful tests, NO MORE SCHOOL!

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我不会提及从前你的好,不会无理取闹也不会再打扰。I won't mention before your good, not vexatious also won't bother.

避开喧闹寻衅者,他们会扰人心神。Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit.

最后,你要注意把握无理取闹的话题收费。Finally, you should pay attention to the vexatious topic of charges.

在风洞中调出低风速来始终是一个麻烦问题。Setting very low speeds in a wind tunnel is always a vexatious problem.

九珠应用本人的无理取闹权益惹楠佩费事。Nine bead application of my vexatious rights to provoke nan peja trouble.

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对事实清楚无理取闹的被拆迁人严格依法裁决。On the facts clearly vexatious been taken strictly according to law ruling.

如今,买房、装修对于白领是件伤脑筋的事儿。Purchase and decoration of real estate is vexatious for white- collars today.

一个真正的朋友会用海纳百川的胸襟来包容你的无理取闹。A real friend would use Welcome to Wikipedia's mind to encompass your vexatious.

如今,买房、装修对于白领来说是件很伤脑筋的事儿。Purchase and decoration of real estate is vexatious for the white-collars today.

陆逊是三国时期最杰出的军事家、政治家之一。Lu Xun was one of the most vexatious militarists and politician in the Three Kingdoms.

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大卖场里都有空调,不用伤脑筋杀价,是懒人购物的首选。Hypermarkets in have air conditioning, don't bargain, is lazy vexatious shopping of choice.

我不知道我是否是一个无理取闹的人,有很重的疑心,对别人一点都不关心的人。I don't know whether I am a vexatious people , have heavy suspicion and little to care about with other.

我承认我身上有些娇生惯养的小脾气,也会无理取闹过,但是我从来没说过分手!I admit that I found that some spoiled little temper, but also vexatious before, but I never said that breaking up!

各国政要和首脑都出席了开幕式,除了一小撮国外闹事者,无一例示威事件发生。The world’s most important politicians showed up and no one, bar a handful of vexatious foreigners, staged protests.

直销是个闹心的业态,在中国办公用品界,它还没有真正成功过!Contract selling is a kind of vexatious business, which has never actually succeed in Chinese office product industry!

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如果判案明显不公平,故意与人为难,或者欺压一方,辩护人和原告有没有申明抗辩的自由?Whether advocates and orators had liberty to plead in causes manifestly known to be unjust, vexatious , or oppressive?

美国商会在其对本案的意见中称,本案“有必要阻止外国法院的无理缠讼。”The case, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce argues in its brief, “is necessary to prevent vexatious litigation in foreign forums.”

在我迷茫无助的时候,只要一声叫喊,你便马上出现,应着我的无理取闹,给我找继续生活的理由。Confused and helpless in my time, as long cry, you will immediately appear to be a vexatious me, give me find the reason to continue to live.