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婚礼仪式将在圣公会教堂举行的。The wedding will be at the Episcopal Church.

这密封Cutie的决定去主教。That sealed Cutié's decision to go Episcopal.

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迪涅的主教院是和医院毗连的。The episcopal palace of D---- adjoins the hospital.

她在阿拉斯主教教区里很受人尊敬。She was in high favor at the episcopal palace of Arras.

女性第一次成为美国圣公会总主教的主教。For the first time a woman is presiding bishop of Episcopal Church.

前身是1875年美国基督教圣公会创办的“同仁医院”。Its predecessor is the Tongren Hospital founded by the Episcopal Church in 1875.

他们从白宫经过拉法耶特公园到圣约翰教堂参加仪式。John's Church, just across Lafayette Park from the White House, for the Episcopal service.

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艾米麦克里希牧师,麻省理工学院的英国国教牧师,调控着科技文化论坛的运行。The Rev. Amy McCreath, MIT's Episcopal chaplain, coordinates The Technology and Culture Forum.

一位英国国教的大主教,刚刚开始了他长达9年的任期。A new leader begins a nine-year term this November as presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church.

全圣人主教教堂欢迎同性恋并认为同性婚姻是一项基本民权。All Saints Episcopal Church welcomes homosexuals and calls same-sex marriage a civil rights issue.

星期天晚上,我去了“男人联盟”互助小组,特里尼蒂圣公会教堂地下室里空荡荡的。Sunday night, I go to Remaining Men Together and the basement of Trinity Episcopal is almost empty.

他已经有几个月没有理发和刮脸了,身边散落着从教堂配餐室拿来的金枪鱼的空罐头盒和汤。Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.

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支持我的还有皇后区众议员弗洛伊德.弗拉克,他也是艾伦非裔卫理公会主教派教堂的牧师。So did Queens congressman Floyd Flake, who was also the minister of Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church.

那天,安娜给西弗吉尼亚格拉夫顿的安德鲁斯循道宗圣公会教堂送去500朵白色康乃馨。Miss Anna Jarvis sent 500 white carnations to the Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church, in Grafton, West Virginia.

一家教堂附属的社会服务组织也不时向她提供育儿帮助。She has had help with child care from Episcopal Community Services, a church-based social services organization.

我也很喜欢三一教堂,乔治华盛顿曾在其总统任内在这里的主教礼拜堂做礼拜。I'm also fond of Trinity Church, which houses the Episcopal chapel where George Washington worshiped as president.

在路易斯安那州某个圣公会墓园里,一位女士埋葬在一棵150年的老橡树下。In Louisiana, a woman lies buried beneath a grove of 150-year-old oak trees in the cemetery of an Episcopal church.

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他自己从袋中掏出英国圣公会的祷告和仪文小册,主持丧事礼拜。He pulls out the British protestant episcopal church from the bag the prayer with the meter article tract, manages the funeral week.

她大典服务开始时间将证明是什么重大变化的圣公会和全世界。Her investiture service was the beginning of what will prove to be a time of momentous change for the Episcopal Church and the entire world.

建立于1751年的圣米歇尔新教圣公会教堂的高塔伴随着其他历史建筑分布在南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿市的大道两边。Michael's Protestant Episcopal Church, built in 1751, towers above other historic buildings along Broad Street in Charleston, South Carolina.