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早已跟学问与逻辑私定终身。Wedded to lore and logic long ago.

塞内加和柏拉图叫我离开你那套。Senec and Plato call me from thy lore.

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她在生活里和每一个关于美德的传说中。She was in life and every vertuous lore.

这场致命事故现在已经成为了核能利用的经典反面教材。The fatal events are now part of nuclear lore.

我要尽快地充实浩瀚的知识宝库。I would speed the vast career of civilizing lore.

邪术巨人是神秘奥术知识的强大传承者。Eldritch giants are powerful scions of arcane lore.

人们竟敢忘记古训的崇高?Of that sublimest lore which man had dared unlearn?

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我不知道-我的逸闻检定显然没过。I don't know-I must have failed my Bardic Lore roll.

他利用所有时间来学习研究沙漠的相关知识和数据。He inhales desert lore and data all his waking hours.

冰与火之歌。权力的游戏。历史与传说之疯王。史塔克家族。History and Lore. Mad King Aerys. House. Stark. Chi_Eng.

这可能是为何在他们的传说里有观音这样的爱。This maybe why there is such love of Quan Yin in their lore.

随着时间流逝,这些地点会广为人知,并被互通有无。Over time, the locations of these become known, and shared lore.

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任何一个有求知欲的人都知道,人类的知识是没有一样可卑的。Whoever strives to know learns that no human lore is despicable.

在形式上,喀拉拉的蟒蛇知识是一种原始的动物崇拜。The serpent lore of Kerala is a primordial form of animal worship.

麦克斯韦街在移民传说中一直占有特殊的地位。Maxwell Street has long occupied a special place in immigrant lore.

浪漫的民间传说通常认为巧克力是一种催情剂。Even today, romantic lore commonly identifies chocolate as an aphrodisiac.

提供该院校相关新闻、咨讯及生活相关信息。Provides news, screenshots and information about the game, lore and guilds.

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这是一个利用现代科技找寻古代城市的实例。Ubar's discovery is an example of scientific sleuthing verifying ancient lore.

Durmand修道院的成员献身于保护学问与知识。The members of the Durmand Priory are dedicated to protecting knowledge and lore.

日本关于龙的民间传说极为丰富,大卫·卡佩尔进行了概述。Japanese dragon lore is immensely rich and varied. David Capel offers an overview.