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赫兹压服口风。Hz squelch tone.

你不能压制要求。You cannot squelch wanting.

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他扑哧一声从烂泥里拔出脚来。He pulled his foot out of the mud with a squelch.

两位拳击手凶狠地互相瞪着眼想以此镇住对方。The two boxers glowered each other to squelch the other.

这就是为什么我现在推荐一种健康的饮食习惯,如果您打算压服痤疮。This is why I now recommend a healthy diet if you plan to squelch acne.

如今的夫妻会很快抑制彼此争论的冲动。Today's couples are quick to squelch the urge to argue with each other.

美国军方常使用炮艇外交的战术来粉碎恐怖主义行动。The US military often uses the tactic of gunboat diplomacy to squelch acts of terrorism.

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他们的理由是,压制移动电话通信,这样抗议者就无法动员了。Squelch mobile communication, they reasoned, and protesters wouldn't be able to mobilize.

它们一点也不老实,在桶里爬来爬去,弄得大桶“哗啦哗啦”的响。They are not that honest, crawling around in the bucket, which makes vat "squelch" the ring.

当你的手紧攥着钞票的同时,你也握紧了生命中一个特别的过程。When you grip your fingers so tightly around your cash, you squelch the very process of life.

非中断级别设置了一系列的20分贝的重复性测量压制滞后。Non-interrupting level setting over a range of 20 dB for reproducible measurement of squelch hysteresis.

当局企图用压制数字通信的方法控制集体骚乱大都事与愿违。Attempts by authorities to squelch digital communications as a way of managing unruly gatherings have largely backfired.

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即使伊朗政府也被迫利用这个他们原本试图粉碎的非常工具来维持自己的权力。Even the government of Iran has been forced to utilize the very tool they attempted to squelch to try to hold on to power.

越来越多的ISP将会意识到他们必须适应P2P流量的模式,而非单纯的反对它并试图去压制它。That could lead to more and more ISPs recognizing they must adapt to P2P traffic, rather than opposing it or trying to squelch it.

对于那些一直试图压制关于非法卖血计划的任何报道的省委官员们来说,高的行动主义令他们颜面扫地。Gao's activism was deeply embarrassing to provincial officials who had tried to squelch all reporting on the illegal blood-buying schemes.

弹性橡胶地板是以橡胶为主要原料再加入多种材料在高温下压制而成。Stretch balata floor is for main raw material with balata a variety of material are in rejoin to squelch below high temperature and be become.

虽然强大的比赛创造生存-的-的-优胜劣汰公司,在行业中的一些担忧,它可以在长期压制创新。While the robust competition creates survival-of-the-fittest companies, some in the industry worry that it could in the long run squelch innovation.

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去年以来,中国紧缩的货币政策已经引起中国政府的恐慌,担心该政策过分抑制经济增长,结果导致了经济大滑坡。Over the last year, China's tightening has sparked fears that the Beijing government could squelch growth too much, causing the economy to crash land.

各国也有可能会从活死人那里发掘威慑力量,以攫取新的领土、镇压领土收复主义者运动、结清宿怨、或者排挤其隐忍已久的对手。States could also exploit the threat from the living dead to acquire new territory, squelch irredentist movements, settle old scores, or subdue enduring rivals.

阿民在今晚表现的就像以前一样突出也顺利带领球队以9-2击败水手,也让一些怀疑他在红袜的系列赛前状况已经走下坡的谣言不攻自破。Wang would pitch so well that it did not make much difference who played as the Yankees beat the Mariners, 9-2, to squelch any talk of a post-Red Sox series letdown.