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身后响起了喇叭声。A honk behind her.

汽车喇叭的响声使司机感到慌乱。The honk of horn fluster the driver.

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永远不要在私人车道按喇叭。Never honk the car horn in the driveway.

“嘎那高尔夫俱乐部”就是个好去处。"Honk the golf club" is a good whereabouts.

司机先生,你非得这样猛按喇叭吗?Driver, do you have to honk your horn so much?

在这种塞车的情况下,你再按喇叭也无济于事。No need to honk the horn under such a traffic block.

我认为你应该尽量打转向灯,这样别人的喇叭声会少点。I think if you'd try signaling, people would honk less.

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通过另一部车时必须鸣按喇叭。While passing another vehicle, you must honk your horn.

他们听见鸡群咯咯,还有一只鹅吭吭鸣叫。The cackle of chickens and the honk of a goose met their ears.

一汽-大众汽车有限公司发起鸣响中国活动。FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co. Ltd launched the Honk for China campaign.

他驾车经过了很多个交通灯,当时他还感到奇怪为什么那些车对他使劲按喇叭。He's driven past a bunch of them, wondering why the other cars honk so.

札嘎其鱼市场上最令人瞩目的是这里的“女掌门”。Zagreb honk the fish on the most remarkable here is the "female rated".

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阿嘎旺亲自带她们去祠堂侦察。O honk swan take them personally to the ancestral temple reconnaissance.

到了深夜,一只孤雁远远的鸣叫声刺破了黑暗。Far into the night the distant honk of a single goose pierces the darkness.

一天早晨,我们终于听见一声响亮的雁鸣声,几乎就在厨房窗外。Finally, one morning, we heard a loud honk almost outside the kitchen window.

震耳欲聋的卡车司机吵架声将她从深深的幻想中唤醒。She woke up from her deep reverie to an ear-deafening noisy honk of some angry truck driver.

在这种情况下,很多司机都是按一两下喇叭,等一会儿,然而就开车离开了。Under such circumstances, many drivers just honk once or twice, wait a minute, then drive away.

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远处一群红疣猴叫了起来,猴王发出嘶哑的鸣叫。In the distance troops of red colobus gave honk calls, and crowned monkeys made their throaty booms.

一般在这种情况下,很多司机会按那么一两下喇叭,等一小会儿,然后就离开了。Under these circumstances, many drivers would just honk once or twice, wait a minute, then drive away.

自行车影响通行时,可鸣喇叭提示,加速绕行。When bicycles ahead obstruct the traffic flow, the driver may honk to remind them, speed up and bypass.