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你斗不过命运的,大卫。You can't outrun your fate, David.

你可以躲,但你肯定躲得过初一躲不过十五。You can run but you sure can’t outrun fate.

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超人的速度太快了,快得火车都跑不赢他。The superman runs fast enough to outrun the rain.

如果你穿着拖鞋,就别妄想会跑得比别人快。Don't try to outrun nobody if you' re wearin' sandals.

稍后,那些船很重地根据现代船跑得更快。Later, those boats were heavily outrun by modern ships.

如果鹰可以跑得更快他,他没有怀疑可以打败他吗。If the Eagle could outrun him, he could no doubt outfight him.

同时你能比他跑的快去拿符和追杀。Also you can outrun him to the runes and chase better for a kill.

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但他知道,就算火车减速了,自己也肯定跑不过火车。But even as the train slowed down, Falzo knew he couldn't outrun it.

但是当我遇到麻烦时,我总能逃脱他们的追捕。But when I do get into trouble, I often can outrun those chasing me.

司机们不会插到别人前面去显示比其他人跑得快。Drivers did not cut in front of one another trying to outrun each other.

他慢慢的改变,试图忘掉过去,他以前从来没有这么彻底的作过。He slowly changes, trying to outrun his past, never quite being able to do so.

其中一个立刻穿上靴子准备逃命,他的朋友却嘲笑他不可能跑得过熊。When one laces up his boots to run, his friend scoffs that he can't outrun a bear.

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他的朋友说,“我没想跑过它,我只需要跑过你就行了。”His friend replied, "I don't have to outrun it, I just have to run faster than you.

他们小心谨慎,不让他们的支出超过收入,他们是永远不愁没有钱的。They will take care not to outrun their income. They will never be distressed for money.

秋秋的身材跟一只大兔子差不多,跑起来兴许比一般的兔子还要快。Qiu Qiu is about the size of a large rabbit and could probably outrun the average rabbit.

我们科技的力量已经超过了我们精神的力量。我们有导弹和迷乱的人们。Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.

同时,进入一个黑曼巴蛇超越人类的地带,那里的眼镜蛇能吐出毒液达十米之外。Enter a world where black mambas can outrun a man and where cobras spit venom accurately over 10 metres.

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数码巧克力带来的一款非常有趣的游戏,参加西班牙传统节日奔牛节,从愤怒的公牛追赶中逃脱来证明你的勇气。Outrun a pack of angry snorting bulls to prove your courage in the famous Running of the Bulls Festival!

那就意味着如果一头熊想要追击猎物,那么即使是世界短跑纪录的创造者尤塞恩博尔特也难以幸免于难。That means if a bear decides to give chase, even Usain Bolt, the world record sprinter, could not outrun it.

“大多数观察家认为,全球经济已显然超出了我们的经济管理能力,”报告说。“It is clear to most observers that the global economy has outrun our capacity to manage it,” the report says.