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他们为造福于后代而勤奋地劳动。They labour assiduously for the benefit of future generations.

某学生刻苦学习英语,终有小成。Some students study English assiduously , the end has small Cheng.

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建设一个更加美好的社会是人类孜孜以求的理想。To build a better society is the ideal pursued by humanity assiduously.

匡衡就是这样刻苦地学习,后来成了一个很有学问的人。Kuang Heng be so assiduously study, afterwards became a very learned person.

必须刻苦实践,多写多练勤改。Must assiduously put into practice, and write to practise diligent changing more.

对计算机的浓厚兴趣则促使我用心学习,刻苦钻研。Urges me to the computer strong interest attentively to study, studies assiduously.

那个卖报的意大利人现在把报纸送上门来,这些报纸他看得十分起劲。The italian newsdealer now delivered the morning papers and these he read assiduously.

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这是一个灿烂明丽的多色调世界,但画面上的孩子们始终有黑白两色。It was a bright, primary-colored world, but the children in it were assiduously black and white.

第二天中午这个可敬的女人又在酒店里她平时的座位上勤勤恳恳也织毛线了。Next noontide saw the admirable woman in her usual place in the wine-shop knitting away assiduously.

我们接着吃了起来,父亲挑着吃一片片生菜叶子,却仔仔细细地避开西红柿块。We kept eating, my father digging at every flake of lettuce while assiduously avoiding the tomatoes.

工作踏实诚恳、勤奋刻苦钻研业务、工作热情,团结同事。Work in a down-to-earth sincerity and hard assiduously operations, enthusiasm, unity and colleagues.

她一直坐在亭子里,膝头搁着针线活儿,十指孜孜不辍。She was sitting in the alcove, her task of work on her knee, her fingers assiduously plying the needle.

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他说他一直关注黄金市场,因为他的许多香港朋友都在做黄金投资。Wong said he followed the gold market assiduously because many of his friends in Hong Kong invest in gold.

悉达多太子出生时,当时婆罗门得到一般人完善的护持,那就是所谓的作功德和供养。When prince Sidhartha was born, the Brahmins were assiduously looked after, which is making merit and offerings.

她的母亲每时每刻都陪着她,就像一个真正的母亲陪伴她真正的女儿那般形影不离。Her mother was always with her, escorting her as assiduously as a true mother might have accompanied her daughter.

他努力裁减公务人员并要在军事采购中避免非法超支。He is assiduously shedding civil servants and wants to fix the procurement process to avoid exorbitant cost overruns.

这所学校有良好的语言氛围,学生刻苦努力,学习热情很高。This school has fine language atmosphere , the student makes great efforts assiduously , studies fervency very highly.

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我会刻苦钻研,研究出许多好的教学方法,使我的学生能够更快更好、轻松愉快的掌握知识。I'll study assiduously , many good teaching method, the student can make me better and faster, relaxed happy knowledge.

第二个任务是解释财务经理为什么积极地搜寻净现值为正的投资项目。The second task is to explain why financial managers search so assiduously forinvestments with positive net present values.

西子奥的斯坚持以客户为导向,对服务品质孜孜以求,为客户提供“邻居式”的金牌服务。High quality services are pursued assiduously by Xizi Otis to provide "neighbor like" golden medal services to its customers.