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使用鼠标嗅探器窃取键盘事件Stealing keyboard events with a mouse sniffer

嗅探蜂还能应用于人道主义援助。There are also humanitarian uses for sniffer bees.

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严教授说实际生活中的嗅探犬还有其他方面的要求。Professor Yan says real sniffer dogs also have other needs.

这些蜜蜂被放进一只鞋盒大小的“嗅探盒”中。Three bees are placed inside a shoe box-sized "sniffer box".

所以,如果一条嗅探犬非常出色,为什么不克隆它呢?So why not just take a great sniffer dog and clone it instead ?

这种窃听方式为“基于混杂模式的嗅探”。Such as wiretapping mode called "sniffer base on intermix mode".

带着搜救犬的救援队一边挖掘一边大喊,“这里有没有人?Rescue teams with sniffer dogs yelled as they dug.“Is there anyone here?

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带着搜救犬的救援队一边挖掘一边大喊,“这里有没有人?Rescue teams with sniffer dogs yelled as they dug. “Is there anyone here?

为了扩大他们的领域,黑客还可以安装一个以太网嗅探器。To expand their domain, the cracker may also install an Ethernet sniffer.

他的研究队伍自零八年开始就一直在开发类似的嗅探一起。His research team has been working on a similar sniffer device since 2008.

斑比盗龙拥有与现代的土耳其秃鹰一样敏锐的嗅觉。Bambiraptor had a keen sniffer similar to that of a modern-day turkey vulture.

网络嗅探器是一种常用的监听网络的工具,是网络安全中的攻防利器。Network sniffer is one of important activities which compromise security of LAN.

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他回头看了看尾气探测器显示的碳氢化合物读数。He looked back to see the hydrocarbon count registering from the exhaust sniffer.

也有一些嗅探器会嗅探网络和嗅探器本身所在计算机之间的流量。Other sniffers sniff traffic between a network and the machine the sniffer itself is on.

但是泄露测试不使用这个脚本,我们在不明确的情形下使用一个包嗅探器。For leak-tests that do not use this script, we use a packet sniffer in unclear situations.

简良机局长称赞这些缉毒犬在机场查缉毒品走私上的成效。Chien praised the sniffer dogs' performance in cracking drug smuggling attempts at airports.

通用汽车公司的电子燃油控制系统,包括废气氧传感器或嗅探器。General Motors electronic fuel-control system includes an exhaust-gas oxygen senor or sniffer.

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我们和救援队包括一支意大利搜救犬队伍一起等待入境,像被狗带栓着似的无法动弹。We wait among teams of Italian sniffer dog teams, literally straining at the leash to get going.

嗅探犬在前往墨西哥的运输红糖的船中发现了超过12吨的可卡因。Sniffer dogs found more than 12 tonnes of the drug hidden in a shipment of brown sugar destined for Mexico.

震后二十四小时后,一支有四十三名成员的德国搜救队及其三只嗅探犬抵达宫城。A 43-member German search-and-rescue team, with three sniffer dogs, arrived within 24 hours of the earthquake.