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他的叛党使得他政治前途黯淡。His defection from the party dim his political career.

据报导,贾卢德是一星期内第三位叛变的高级官员。Jalloud is the third top defection reported in a week.

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罗格把穆萨的反水称作“天大的新闻”The Senate's Rogers called Moussa's defection "huge news."

第6周,缺损处可见结构紊乱的新生骨。At 6 weeks, disorganized new bone was found in the defection.

斑点是电影档案中比较常见的一种失真。Blotch is a typical defection in degraded motion picture material.

肌腱断裂或缺损是手外科常见的损伤之一。It, s a common injury of tendon broken and defection in hand surgery.

我党对江阴要塞的策反工作,也非一日之功。Party Jiangyin fortress incite defection work, but also the non-single day.

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利亚林叛逃成功使军情5局得到了一个难得的机会。The successful defection of Lyalin presented MI5 with a unique opportunity.

军官羞怯地要求延迟公布他关于投诚的临时声明。The officer sheepishly postponed the announcement of his defection temporarily.

麦克莱恩叛逃之后,首先在美国指出了菲尔比。It was he who first fingered Philby in the USA after defection of Burgess and Maclean.

正是他在伯吉斯和麦克莱恩叛逃之后,首先在美国指出了菲尔比。It was he who first fingered philby in the usa after defection of burgess and maclean.

最近的这起叛逃事件是卡扎菲政权已经变得多么虚弱的又一例证。And this latest defection is another example of how weak they have gotten, " said Panetta.

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新鲜骨块植入后第2周,骨缺损处可见新生骨。At 2 weeks after fresh autogenous bone grafted, there was some new callus in bone defection.

目的选择性应用岛状皮瓣转位修复足跟部组织缺损。Objective To explore the application of island form flaps to repair heel defection and damage.

第四部分论述了我国罚金刑数额的立法缺陷及立法完善。The fourth chapter is concerned with defection and the perfection of the legislation of our country.

方法采用胸脐下腹壁联合皮瓣转位修复上肢大面积皮肤缺损23例。Methods Adopting the chest abdomen consociation flap to repair arms large area skins defection in 23 cases.

目的观察自体骨髓干细胞移植治疗骨不连及骨缺损的疗效。ObjectiveTo observe the curative effect of marrow stem cell transplant on bone nonunion and bone defection.

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在调查初期,我们对菲尔本叛逃时的环境重新进行了全面的审查。In the early stages of the investigation, we made a complete reexamination of the circumstances of Philby's defection.

用其修复靠近关节面附近骨缺损可有效的防止关节的退行性变。The composite can be used to repair bone defection near by articular facet so as to prevent from articular degeneration.

他在甲板上录了一段视频,宣布了他叛变的事实并呼吁更多的军事人员加入反叛的行动中来。He recorded a video on board his ship, announcing his defection and calling on other military officers to join his mutiny.