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爱因斯坦的这个失误导致了宇宙膨胀假说的产生。This misplay by Einstein leads to the hypothesis of the big bang.

政府在经济上的失误已经渐渐明显。The government's misplay in economy is showing up little by little.

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因为我们工作的失误,已经将上述正本提单放给了我们的收货人。Therefore, we usually make the misplay in operating these enterprises.

因此,减少人为操纵失误是降低船舶碰撞事故率和提高船舶航行安全的关键。For the human uncertainty factor, analyze the reason and sort of human misplay.

导致失误的主要原因,是这些公司的投资管理粗放。The main reason of misplay is that these companies' rough investing management.

易手,失球把球丢给了对方球队,如出现失误或犯规。LOSS of possession of the ball to the opposing team, as by a misplay or an infraction of the rules.

易手,失球把球丢给了对方球队,如出现失误或犯规。A loss of possession of the ball to the opposing team, as by a misplay or an infraction of the rules.

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把球丢给了对方球队,如出现失误或犯规。Sports A loss of possession of the ball to the opposing team, as by a misplay or an infraction of the rules.

然而,在国内外航空装备的维护过程中,由于人为失误引起的系统故障却占了相当大的比重。However, according the statistics, human misplay account for most of the malfunction during the maintenance activity.

导致失误的主要原因,是这些公司的投资管理粗放。These companies were then plunged into corner. The main reason of misplay is that these companies'rough investing management.

目的探讨手术标本的管理方法,防止手术标本管理失误。Objective To discuss the management methods of operation sample and prevent the misplay in the management of the operation sample.

对农村社会保障问题的长期忽略,事实上是中国社会保障制度改革中的一个失误。The long-term neglect towards countryside's social security actually is a misplay in the reform of Chinese social security system.

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结果我院手术室标本管理制度健全、切实可行,能有效地防止标本管理的失误。Results The sample management rule is available and effective to prevent the misplay in the management of the operation sample in our hospital.

失误棒球队员接球或传球不准,而在发挥正常时应可以使对手出局或阻止对方跑垒员进垒。A defensive fielding or throwing misplay by a player when a play normally should have resulted in an out or prevented an advance by a base runner.

理论研究上的缺陷与失误,往往会使实践当中的系统建设受到严重影响,甚至导致整个系统的失败。The disfigurement and misplay of theoretic study will badly influence the system construction in practice and even result in the failure of the whole system.

在教学失误的回顾与反思中,认为教师本人应严格要求自己,备课要认真仔细,尽量减少失误的发生。In reviewing the teaching misplay, the teacher believes that she should be strict with herself and be careful in preparing the lesson so as to reduce misplay.

为了匡正宏观调控行为中的“政府失败”,迫切需要加强对宏观调控行为的法律规制,建立和完善宏观调控法律体系。Aiming at avoid "government behavior misplay" in economy development, we need to constitute interrelated laws system and improve macroscopical regulation and control.

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课程理论的杂糅化综合逻辑、课程内容的含糊,以及课程实践者个人的主观失误都是造成这些问题的原因。These problems mainly result from the interweaving of curriculum theories, the ambiguity of the curriculum contents, and the subjective misplay on the practitioners' part, etc.

细小的笔尖操作灵敏,大大减少了操作中的失误,既节省空间,又方便实用。The operation of a fine pen point is delicate, the misplay in the operation is reduced greatly, the space is saved, and the convenience and the practicability are also realized.

管理失误、人口增长及由此引起的“三滥”等超强度利用土地行为是影响研究区土地沙质荒漠化的主要人文因子。The important anthropogenic factors of resulting in land sandy desertification are the misplay of management, the high-speed increasing of population, and the over misuse of land resource.