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但如今他曾经被牵扯其中,纵然三头六臂也无法辨说分明。But now he had been involved SanTouLiuBei cannot cause, even said trenchant.

2010年欧元区经济危机就是该现象最好的见证。The eurozone crisis of 2010 provides a trenchant example of this phenomenon.

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不过,贝克那篇犀利的文章仍属于第一批自由主义批评之列。Still, Baker’s trenchant article was among the first liberal critiques of Obama.

是对社会尖锐的批判还是上层社会任性的牢骚?Is this trenchant social commentary or the petulant complaint of the privileged class?

与克里形成对照的是,布什总统总是发出很清楚的信息,他讲话用的是简短而清晰有力的句子。President Bush, in contrast, sends a very clear message. He speaks in short, trenchant sentences.

除了迈克尔·杰克逊,还有谁会在尖锐地批评了媒体后,再接一首温柔情歌?Who besides Michael Jackson would follow a tender love song with a trenchant critique of the media?

我想,这一事实本身比我和其他知识分子对知识界的批评更要有力。I think, this fact itself is more trenchant than me and other intellectuals' critique to the intelligentsia.

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由于他很分明,只要曹刚呈现,才干见到林振海,才干摸分明林振海老窝的状况。Because he is very clear, if present, talent seen cao LinZhenHai, talent touch LinZhenHai den trenchant condition.

她和路易艾黎的那些词锋犀利的文章,今天还可以从那份杂志发了黄的卷页上找到。Many of her trenchant articles together with those of rewi alley can be found today in the yellowed volumes of the magazine.

他的作品以其犀利的文笔、诗歌般的叙述风格以及对人性的深刻洞察而著称。What impresses most in Goldings work is his trenchant pen, his poetic narrative style, and his keen insight into human nature.

我起初知道他是因为他的学生整理了他说过的聪明、冷静、且清晰的言论并上传到网路上。I first know him because of his witty, cool and trenchant remarks that are compiled by some of his students and uploaded online.

强烈的道德感、鲜明的民间化倾向和反现代性立场是张炜区别于当代文坛其他小说家的鲜明特色。The strong moral sense, the vivid folk style, and the trenchant anti-modernism distinguish him from other novelists of the time.

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独坐于书房,有木槿的香气飘入,听窗外梧桐叶飘落的叹息分明。Sitting alone in the study, the aroma of hibiscus touches, listen to Chinese parasol falls outside the window leaves with trenchant.

舞在花瓣中的迷人眼神,性感浓郁的色泽,根根分明的睫毛,令人沉醉!Dance is in the attractive eyes in leaf, sexy and full-bodied colour and lustre, the eyelash with root trenchant root, your person gets drunk!

英国既是左翼-穆斯林合作的中心地带,同时又是烽烟四起的前哨阵地。犀利刻薄的批评声不绝于耳,矛头直指政治伊斯兰。Just as Britain is the heartland of the leftist-Muslim partnership, it is also the main locus of a sharp and trenchant critique of political Islam.

池谧惠在外面喝酒,酒醉的她约允浩去多智打工的啤酒屋见面,让他跟多智整理分明感情的问题。ChiMi hui outside drink, drunken she about u-know work more wisdom, let him meet ale house with more trenchant emotional problems wisdom arrangement.

这让朔想起教师与亚纪一同锻炼的情形和教师都分明地记得亚纪最后一次奔跑在运动场上的样子。It makes new teachers and the age of the case with both teachers and exercise discipline to remember and trenchant last run in playground appearance.

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刑法解释经历了从主观解释论到客观解释论的演进过程,现阶段,从世界范围来看,客观解释论正成为一种有力的学说。The interpretation of criminal law has experienced from subjectivism to objectivism . Now, the objectivism is becoming a trenchant theory in the world.

听到宝咏说话的声音,男人才转过脸来看了她一眼。犀利的目光只在她脸上一绕,就立刻收敛。Hearing the voice of Baoyong, the male turned his face and had a look at her. Trenchant eyes stayed at her face for a moment and restrained immediately.

她十分分明地晓得本人父亲的不幸逝世应该归咎于梅南,她不想再容忍梅南对她的刁难,卡丁表示一定要把此事查个分明。She was very obviously know my father died to blame the MeiNa, she didn't want to stand in her prime, MeiNa KaDing says must put the matter check a trenchant.