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只有一位受访者表示乐观。Only one respondent was optimistic.

响应者也是没有几个人。Respondent is also not a few people.

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答辩人是否反对修订?。Will the amendments be opposed by the Respondent?

所有的受访者可以得到一个全球升温潜能的研究后。All the respondent could get a GWP after the research.

答辩人说,“有时候把责任是困难的。A respondent says that "Sometimes placing blame is difficult."

被申请人的前身为MZ学校。Facts and Reasons. The predecessor of Respondent is MZ School.

答辩人指出,“有利益道歉。A respondent points out that "there are benefits to apologizing."

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呈请人和答辩人均以喷鼻港为居籍。Both the Petitioner and the Respondent are domiciled in Hong Kong.

在这一调查中并未将标度直接提给回答者。In the survey the scale was not presented directly to the respondent.

答辩人对RST伤害赔偿不应承担责任。The respondent shall not be liable for compensating the injuries for RST.

被告彭某买后未投保“交强险”。Didn't insure "deliver strong insurance" after the respondent Peng some purchase.

呈请人已经或将会为答辩人提供妥当的经济援助。The Petitioner had made or will make proper financial provision for the Respondent.

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这一句型的回答是开放式的,对方可以给出各种类型的回答。This opens a question wide for the respondent to really given any type of response.

正如一位被调查者所说的,“我学会了节约字句,不用术语”。As one respondent put it, "I have learnt to be economical with words and not use jargon".

“这是华丽的浪费,同时造成灯光污染,”一位受访者表示。"This is flamboyant wastage and creates light pollution," one respondent was quoted as saying.

责令被申请人停止有关行为是否损害社会公共利益。Whether ordering the respondent to suspend the relevant act would prejudice the public interests.

拖动滑条允许对谈话的回应分从一到五这五个等级,其中五最好。Dragging sliders allows the respondent to rate the talk on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 being the best.

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被请求人逾期不提交答辩书的,不影响处理程序的进行。The failure of the respondent to submit a defense shall not affect the proceeding of the procedures.

在适用法律允许的情况下判被诉方向申诉方支付利息。An award for interest against the Respondent and in favour of Claimant as permitted by applicable law.

裁定责令被申请人停止侵犯专利权行为的,应当立即开始执行。If the ruling orders the respondent to cease the patent infringement, it shall be enforced immediately.