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它很丑的啊。It’s ugly.

他丑丑的。He is ugly.

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不说任何丑恶?Say no ugly?

不看任何丑恶?See no ugly?

不听任何丑恶?Hear no ugly?

这真是龌龊。This is ugly.

皱眉是丑的。Frowns are ugly.

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他长得真难看。He's really ugly.

多难看的一张脸!What an ugly mug!

这是一场丑陋的战争。It was an ugly war.

多难看的杂种狗哇!What an ugly mutt !

实际上,他很丑陋。In fact, he was ugly.

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这是一张丑陋的脸。This is an ugly face.

他既吝啬,又丑陋。He was mean,also ugly.

这花看起来好丑啊!The flower looks ugly.

可是你仍然难看。But you are still ugly.

母狗太丑啦!Female dog is too ugly !

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不过他是个丑八怪!But he is an ugly fellow!

牧神潘恩长得很丑。God Pan had an ugly face.

他是矮矮的、胖胖的,而且很丑。He's short, fat and ugly.