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她看到了他的眼睛,又发出一声含糊不清的喊叫。She saw his eyes and gave another inarticulate cry.

口齿不清的野兽是我长期这样的人。Inarticulate beasts is what I would term such people.

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也许张小娴和泰戈尔都是不善于表达的人。Perhaps both of Tagore and Zhang are inarticulate people.

尽管拉法排名靠后还言不由衷地进行着质问。Even if Rafa is doing his inarticulate heckling from the cheap seats.

这些人含糊不清地一阵乱叫,惊恐地朝不同方向夺路而逃。With inarticulate cries the men fled in terror, each in a different direction.

我想大声叫喊些什么——指令、劝慰或者含糊的元音字母。I wanted to shout something – commands, exhortations, inarticulate vowel sounds.

他们在拐角处相遇了,又是笑,又是吻,激动得连说话都语无伦次了。They met at a turn and kissed with laughter and exclamations inarticulate and stirring.

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笑,名词——一种体内痉挛,造成面容的变形并伴有说不出话的阵阵难听的声音。An interior convulsion, producing a distortion of the features and accompanied by inarticulate noises.

许多小宝宝摇着手中价值五十美元的象牙摇铃,嘴里咿咿呀呀,彼此打着招呼。Incalculable infants wave their fifty-dollar ivory rattles in an inarticulate greeting to one another.

我们强调的事情都是理性的,有意识的,并且是说不出的有关工艺在底下。We emphasize things that are rational and conscious and are inarticulate about the processes down below.

正因为中国哲学家的言论、文章不很明晰,所以它们所暗示的几乎是无穷的。The sayings and writings of the Chinese philosophers are so inarticulate that their suggestiveness is almost boundless.

当你分析真正的中国人身上的这种难以言表的文雅品质时,你会发现这是善解人意和通情达理两种东西结合的产物。When you analyze the inarticulate characteristic of Chinese people, you will find it is the combination of considerateness and sympathy.

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皮质的沙发,透着一丝威严。可任意角度倾斜的靠背,斜躺下有说不出的舒适。Coriaceous sofa, appearing a majesty. But the back of a chair that aleatoric angle tilts, inclined lay down have inarticulate comfortable.

眼前这两个人就是如此。他们只是短短地交谈了几句,掏了一下皮夹,看了一下名片。Here were these two, bandying little phrases, drawing purses, looking at cards, and both unconscious of how inarticulate all their real feelings were.

如果停下来思考,下一步该说甚麽,他们相信观众会认为,他们都是不善于表达的,所以他们使用赘词,避免了沉默。They believe their audience will think they are inarticulate if they pause to think of what to say next, so they use filler words to avoid the silence.

但这只不过宛如监牢的栅门,她通过栅门看到的是一个怀著希望的伟大灵魂。只因他那在弱的嘴唇不善表达,他只能词不达意地说话,或是哑口无言。But these seemed the prison-bars through which she saw a great soul looking forth inarticulate and dumb because of those feeble lips that would not give it speech.

他发现了,用他的铁铲头戳开一扇里门,口齿不清的说,我要换个地方的话,那才是我该去的地方。He noticed this, thrust at an inner door with the end of his spade, intimating by an inarticulate sound that there was the place where I must go, if I changed my locality.

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他相信这些难以用语言形容的品质可以从这样一个丰富的数据里抽取出来,并且作为未来在形态信息库其他区域繁育时的选择标准。He believes that these inarticulate qualities can be abstracted from such a rich trove of data and then used as a selection criteria for future breeding in other regions of the Library.

在网上又看到网友发的地摊男的照片时有种说不出的感觉,酸酸的,从他们的眼神看到了自己的影子。The ground vendor's stand that sees on the net the netizen is sent again illuminates a short while maly to kind of inarticulate feels, of acerbity acid, saw oneself sign from their eyes.

本文分析了497例中风患者的先兆症状。共出现11种先兆症状,其中以头痛、头晕、肢体麻木,言语不清及视物不清等症状为多。Of the 497 cases with apoplexy, there were 11 kinds of premonitory symptoms, of which headache, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, inarticulate speech, blurred version, etc. are more common.