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她放下交叉的腿,弄平裙子。She uncrossed her legs and smoothed her skirt.

若是坐着,同样不能交叉双腿。If you’re sitting, your legs should also be uncrossed.

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坐下放松,把你的脚不交叉而平放到地面上。Sit back and relax with your feet uncrossed and upon the floor.

不要交叉你的腿,把你的脚平放在地面上。Do not cross your legs but place your feet uncrossed on the ground.

找出下一个非交叉的整数,并且交叉出它全部的倍数。Find the next uncrossed integer, and cross out all of its multiples.

坐在一张舒适的椅子上,双脚平放在地面上。Sit back in a comfortable chair, feet flat upon the ground and uncrossed.

在一个舒适的椅子中坐下,双脚平放在地板上,不要交叉。Take a seat in a comfortable chair with feet flat on the floor and uncrossed.

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找到一个舒适的地方坐下,双脚不交叉而平放在地板上。Find a place to sit preferably with feet uncrossed and pressed upon the floor.

树干的浓阴里那个人把交叉的双腿放开,用脚趾掘着泥土。The man in the absolute shade uncrossed his legs and dug with toes at the earth.

利奥停下脚步,正准备开口,这时瓦西里分开双臂,亮出他的枪。Leo stopped walking, about to speak, when Vasili uncrossed his arms, revealing his gun.

第三,不要交叉自己的双腿和双臂,让对方明白你愿意倾听事实。Have your legs and arms uncrossed , show them that you are willing to understand or not be frustrated.

你的重量被平衡分布,双脚坚实地站在地板上,手臂和手掌露出来、放松并且没有交叉。Your weight is evenly balanced, feet solidly on the floor, arms and hands visible, relaxed and uncrossed.

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间歇性外斜视患者视差的损害顺序依次为非交叉视差、交叉视差、近零视差。The sequential damage of stereopsis in intermittent exotropia is uncrossed disparity, crossed disparity and zero disparity.

午餐柜台是一道不曾逾越的分界线,一边几乎全是白人专业人员,另一边是黑人和美籍希腊人。The lunch counter was an uncrossed line, with mostly white professionals on one side, blacks and Greek-Americans on the other.

要改变这种习惯性的站姿或坐姿,你应该一开始就别用手捂着你的嘴,并且别再把双臂交叉起来。To improve this habitual way of standing or sitting, start by keeping your hands away from your mouth, and keep your arms uncrossed.

凡未经划线之支票或经普通划线之支票送交银行托收,该银行可作特别划线,划予其本行。Where an uncrossed cheque , or a cheque crossed generally, is sent to a banker FOR collection, he may cross it specially to himself.

然后坐在一张舒服的椅子上,双脚不要交叉而平放在地板上。Create a lovely space for yourself by lighting some candles and incense and sitting in a comfortable chair with feet uncrossed and flat upon the floor.

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目的探讨间歇性外斜视患者手术前后近零视差、交叉视差及非交叉视差的临床变化规律。Objective To understand the clinical variety of zero disparity, crossed disparity and uncrossed disparity in intermittent exotropia before and after strabismus surgery.

不要交叉手或脚。不要交叉你的手和脚,因为那样会显得你很冷,有距离感。如果你没有两手交叉,你就会显得更开放,并且不那么具有防范性。Stay uncrossed. Keep your hands and legs uncrossed because that can make you seem cold and distant. If you're not crossing your arms, you'll look more open and less guarded.

如果她想和你交流,她的坐姿会相较起来会更加开放一些,比如朝你的方向坐着,手臂不会交叉,甚至会向你坐的这边倾斜。Poses that suggest she's receptive to further communication with you are much more open. For example, she'll turn her body to face yours, her arms will be uncrossed and she'll lean in toward you.