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我头发晕,两眼发黑。Her hair's intensely black.

她极其厌恶势利小人。She dislikes snobs intensely.

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宽恕是一件极其私人的事。Absolution is an intensely private matter.

伯格说他是个极易害羞的人。Berge said the designer was intensely shy.

提取它们是极为困难的。Extracting them would be intensely difficult.

他呷着饮料,两眼直盯盯地望着我。He sipped his drink, staring intensely at me.

这小女孩非常害怕打雷。The little girl is intensely afraid of thunder.

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我们对别人的行为很感兴趣。We are intensely interested in how other people work.

赫斯顿认真研究,以理解人物形象。Heston studied intensely to understand his characters.

很少受到这么严格的审查和测验。B. P. A. is rarely tested and scrutinized so intensely.

最不可能的对子可能热情地互相扶持。The most unlikely pairs will intensely support each other.

对于人们为何如此恐慌核辐射有许多原因。There are many reasons why humans fear radiation so intensely.

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“他们的实践经验非常值得我们研究”。The practical experience they have should be intensely studied.

能量强盛的人会很快修成瑜伽。Success in yoga comes quickly to those who are intensely energetic.

加上一点蓝莓粉,就可以做出蓝莓味道很浓的酥皮。Add the blueberry powder and you get an intensely flavored meringue.

有的时候,沙会烁烁发光,水也闪闪发亮。The sand shines intensely at a certain time, and the water glitters.

水球是一项攻击性极强的运动,因此犯规很常见。Water polo is an intensely aggressive sport, so fouls are very common.

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东西双方的目光都集注于场中二人的角斗。All in the hall were intensely fastening their eyes on the two fighters.

伯恩赛德感情强烈的抒情诗介于两个世界之间。Burnside's intensely lyric poems occupy a borderland between two worlds.

你的运动强度越大,热量消耗中糖类所占的比例越高。The more intensely you exercise, the higher proportion of carbs you burn.