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这是卡伦。This is Karen.

卡伦密店在伦敦。Karen Millen shop in London.

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“啊,凯伦·潘,”贝拉微笑着说。"Ah, Karen Penn, " Bela smiled.

“是的,闪闪发亮,”凯伦回答说。"Yes, they do shine, " said Karen.

周凯利可能是个例外。Karen Zhou is perhaps an exception.

凯伦回到家之后,我把她拉到一边。Karen got home. I pulled her aside.

卡伦·秋溪的职业是什么?What is Karen Fallbrook's profession?

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克伦可能会因此被认为是一个爱抱怨的人。Karen could be classified as a whiner.

然而,凯伦从未去过那个分行。But Karen had never been to that branch.

但它到我手时已经是第三代传人了。From Selina to Karen and now on my hand.

凯瑞刚刚让人把房子再一次装修。Karen has just had her house redecorated.

卡伦牵着迈克尔走到他妹妹的床边。Karen towed Michael to his sister's bedside.

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必须对克伦邦的独立地位予以承认。Recognition of Karen State must be completed.

想失去一个朋友,就借钱给他吧,这可是我的经验之谈。Karen do you have a ten-dollar bill to lend me?

凯伦不准和菲力克斯约会。Karen isn't allowed to go on a date with Felix.

左边是主办人之一,上海同学陶陶。Left is host, my classmate Karen from Shanghai.

你应该要跑的,”凯伦冲她喊。You should have kept running, " Karen told her.

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蒂莉还不懂事,但卡伦已经够大了。Tilly won’t understand, but Karen is old enough.

在这期间凯文和他的女朋友卡安谈话。During brunch Kevin talks to his girlfriend Karen.

凯伦与戴夫俩人深深地相爱着。Karen and Dave are deeply in love with each other.