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这就是定期获得收益和风险规避。That's coupon clipping and risk mitigation.

减排和适应必须携手共进。Mitigation and adaptation must go hand in hand.

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所以穿着这种静脉曲张袜能起到一定的缓解作用。So in the varicose socks can play a role in mitigation.

缓解气候变化是全球的公共利益所在。Mitigation of climate change is of global public benefit.

管理访问可以降低身份盗窃或假冒所带来的风险。Managing access includes risk mitigation of identity theft or spoofing.

与此相关的将会为适应和减轻融资。Associated with this will be financing for both adaptation and mitigation.

刑罚趋轻和轻刑化是世界刑罚发展的趋势。The tendency of mitigation of punishment is the world trend of punishment now.

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通过这样做,REDD应该可以为缓解和适应气候变化做出贡献。By doing so, REDD should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

你不要把已经得以消减的自然灾害硬栽到某一个身上!Do not put mitigation of natural disasters have been hard-body plummeted to a one!

或劝诱立法者在公路沿线种植竹子,以减轻碳的排放量?Or persuading legislators to line their highways with bamboo for carbon mitigation?

治理有效性度量应该反应这些风险的消除。The governance effectiveness measures should reflect the mitigation of these risks.

犯罪学理论的发展为刑罚轻缓化提供了科学实证根据。The theory of criminology is the scientific foundation of mitigation of punishment.

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在国际层面,最紧迫的问题是减缓气候变化的影响。On the international level, the most pressing issue is mitigation of climate change.

所有的风险都被鉴定,并且针对每个风险都有一个缓解方法或者处理偶发事件的策略。All risks have been identified and a mitigation or contingency strategy exists for each.

另一方面,在减缓和透明度方面的重要谅解。On the other side, important understandings with respect to mitigation and transparency.

向消费者和提供商说明降低风险的对策的好处。Educating consumers and providers on the benefits of risk mitigation and countermeasures.

邻居网络干扰缓解支持先进的技术和算法。Supports advanced techniques and algorithms for Neighbor Network Interference Mitigation.

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我们要继续扎扎实实加强防灾减灾工作。We will continue to make earnest effort to strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation.

虽然中国积极采取缓解措施,但其温室气体排放量仍在不断增加。Despite China’s aggressive mitigation efforts, China’s GHG emissions have kept increasing.

该议程认为,还应该研究缓解和适应政策的卫生意义。The health implications of mitigation and adaptation policies should also be investigated.