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汉莎航空公司希望用数字来说明问题。Lufthansa wanted to crunch numbers.

在他咬苹果时,发出嘎扎一响。There was a crunch as he bit the apple.

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这还能减少选举日出现的混乱。It also lessens the crunch on election day.

信用危机有其在经融方面的根源。The credit crunch had its origins in finance.

我到那里时大概是黎明时分,而这正是关键时刻。I was there around dawn, which was crunch time.

这些公司在信贷紧缩时期很吃香。These companies are popular in a credit crunch.

垂直腿紧缩工程腹直肌。Vertical leg crunch works the rectus abdominis.

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他叫他的会计再好好算算。He asked his bean-counter to crunch the numbers.

他请求他的统计专家去捣弄数据。He asked his bean-counter to crunch the numbers.

不能发出嘎吱作响或者沙沙声儿的食物他是不会吃的。If it doesn t crunch or crinkle, he wont eat it.

碎石嘎吱作响,有人绕到这只染缸这儿来了。A crunch in the gravel, and someone rounded the vat.

卡车撞到墙时,我听到一声大的嘎滋响。I heard a loud crunch as the truck ran into the wall.

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高峰期一天12个小时,During crunch periods, you can work twelve hours a day,

他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出令人舒心的嘎扎声。His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch.

绿城是受此轮调控打击的典型之一.Greentown is one of the more stark examples of the crunch.

那晚喂它们,骨头的碎裂声清晰可见。That night, when they feed, I can hear the crunch of bone.

但去年的信贷危机使得冰岛命运急转直下。The credit crunch last year brought a reversal of fortune.

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所有这一切表明,信贷紧缩正在走向高档消费市场。All this indicates that the credit crunch is going up-market.

中小企业如何利用信贷危机所带来的契机?How can small businesses take advantage of the credit crunch?

松鼠蹦蹦跳跳增加了嘎吱嘎吱的断奏音符。Squirrels added staccato crunch notes with their arced leaps.