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廉政客体就是指廉政的对象。The object of incorrupt politics refers to the target of incorrupt politics.

对大学生进行廉洁教育是高校思想政治工作的重要组成部分。It is very important to carry out incorrupt education among college students.

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论文首先分析了马克思主义廉政思想提出的背景。The thesis has analysed background brought forward by Marxism incorrupt government thought first.

是否依法具有行使公共权力的资格,是确定是否属于廉政客体的标准。The object of incorrupt politics is defined in terms of the rights for exercising public powers according to law.

周恩来廉政建设思想为中国当前的反腐倡廉建设提供了重要借鉴。Zhou Enlai's anti-corruption campaign theory sets a good example of the incorrupt construction of modern society.

提出了进行政治体制改革是党风廉政建设的关键。It also comes up with the crus of the strengthening party conduct and incorrupt government in political system reform.

创新是廉政文化建设的灵魂,廉政文化建设必须坚持理论和实践的创新。Innovation is the soul of incorrupt cultural construction, which must stick to innovate in theory as well as in practice.

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在周恩来的众多著作、论述和讲话中,体现了丰富的廉政建设思想。Plentiful construction idea of incorrupt government was embodied among Zhou Enlai's numerous masterpieces, discussions and speeches.

最后,对行政监察机关反腐廉政工作提出对策建议。Oppose the rotten incorrupt government job finally, to organs supervising government administration submitting countermeasure suggestion.

以为人民服务为核心的公仆观是周恩来廉政建设思想的逻辑起点。The concept of public servant which treated incorrupt construction as its main point is the logical start of anti-corruption campaign theory.

同时,没有文化上的认同和支撑,制度很难取得好的效果。The anti-corruption needs the support of culture, while the construction of the incorrupt government culture does great impact on incorruption.

廉政文化建设是文化建设和廉政建设相结合的产物,是近年来催生出的一种新型的文化建设。Incorrupt cultural construction is the combination of cultural construction and incorrupt construction, and also a new-style cultural construction.

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廉政建设是一项内容广泛、深刻的社会活动,这项活动必须以社会动力为后盾。The construction of the incorrupt politics is a profound and extensive social activity, which is believed to base on the context of social motives.

因此,在今后的工作中我们要继续坚持以马克思主义廉政思想为指导,进一步深入推进反腐倡廉工作。Therefore, in the future, we must continue to adhere to Marxism incorrupt government thought, to further promote the anti-corruption work in depth.

公务员监督制度是建立高效、廉洁政府和选拔高素质公务员队伍的重要保证。The supervisory system of civil servant is of importance to establish efficient, incorrupt government and select highly qualified civil servant's team.

本文阐述了党风廉政建设的历史、现状及存在的问题和反腐倡廉与“三个代表”思想的一致性。The article points out that "three represent's" theory is concerned with the problem of conduct Party and incorrupt government, whatever in history or nowadays.

廉政审计目标就是改进“特种审计制度”,并具体阐述了“廉政审计”的目标、内容和方法,比较了两者之间差异。The objective of "The incorrupt Auditing" is to improve "Special Auditing system". The paper illustrates the objective, contents, methods and differences of the two system.

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学校廉洁教育是培养青少年廉洁意识和公平正义素质的主要途径,也可为社会培育廉政文化发挥辐射、引导和示范作用。School incorruption education is the main path that trains the incorrupt consciousness and fair justice character of teenager, can also result the social culture to be incorrupt.

廉政文化从广义来说,就是人们关于廉政的知识、信仰、规范、价值观和与之相适应的行为方式、社会评价的总和。Generally, the incorrupt government culture is the sum of people's knowledge, belief, standard, value, their relevant behavior ways, and the social appraisements on the incorrupt government.