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公司内部资料与文件的翻译。To translate the company files.

我朋友将给我当翻译。My friend will translate for me.

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所以她拉上我帮她翻译。So she took me along to translate.

尽量不要翻译出每一个单词。用英语怎么说??Try not to translate word by word.

请帮忙译成中文。CV2, please translate into chinese.

他要求我们逐字翻译。He asked us to translate literally.

但是尽量不要逐词翻译。But try not to translate every word.

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密尔顿的诗歌需要诗人来翻译。It takes a poet to translate Milton.

我把他的沉默解释为抗议。I translate his silence as a protest.

试着把它翻译成中文。I tried to translate it into chinese.

请逐字逐句地翻译这篇文章。Please translate this paper literally.

谁能把这个句子译得更好些?Who can translate this sentence better?

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翻译出你听到的英语句子。Translate what you hear turn to Chinese.

在晶体中,它们不能自由地平动。In the crystal, it can't freely translate.

请翻译它并贴在讨论版。Please translate it and post it on the board.

从希腊文或希伯来文原文来翻译每句话。Translate each work from the Greek or Hebrew.

我们应该把计划变成行动。We should translate the schemes into actions.

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然后我将会要求伯母萨拜娜为我们翻译。Then I will ask Aunt Sabina to translate for us.

授权此用户将其译为“LLL”。This user is authorized to translate into "LLL".

将下面几段译成中文。Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.