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经过产褥期的休息和调养,产妇一般都能自我感觉良好。After puerperium rest and nursed back to health, maternal generally feel good.

方法回顾性分析22例患者的临床资料。Methods The clinical data in 22 patients with CVST in puerperium were retrospectively analyzed.

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目的探讨家庭探访对初产妇产褥期生活质量的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of home follow-up to the quality of life of primiparas during puerperium.

结论产褥期颅内静脉窦血栓形成是一种严重危及患者生命的疾病,应当及早诊断治疗。Conclusion The CVST in puerperium is a severe disease, it should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

目的研究产褥期脑病的临床特征、治疗方法及预后。Objective To study the clinical features, therapeutic methods and prognosis of encephalopathy during puerperium.

所以,就出现了产褥期不能洗澡、不能洗头,怕因此受风受凉留下病根。So, there puerperium can not bathe, can not wash your hair, for fear of leaving the root cause of the wind cold.

以往坐月子期间产妇的生活起居大部分由亲人来照料,而其最大的协助者为产妇的婆婆或妈妈。Puerperium care in the past, the birthed living are cared by her family member, most her mother or mother-in-law.

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目的探讨沟通交流技巧在聋哑产妇产褥期中的应用效果。Objective To explore the effect of using communication skills in deaf-and-dumb parturients at the stage of puerperium.

健康教育有利于提高产褥期产妇的知识水平和自我护理能力。Health education is beneficial to improve knowledge level and self-nursing ability of lying-in women in the puerperium.

目的探讨出院延续护理服务对初产妇产褥期生活质量的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of post-discharge home interview on the quality of life of primiparas at puerperium.

目的为了解孕产期因素对儿童智力发展的影响。Objective To understand the factors of both pregnancy and puerperium influenced the children's intelligence development.

结论剖宫产术后晚期产后出血的时间不仅局限于产褥期内,主要病因是子宫切口裂开。Conclusion Late postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section may occur beyond puerperium and the main cause is rupture of incision.

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目的探讨低频脉冲电刺激对产褥期妇女急性乳腺炎的疗效。Objective To investigate the curative effects of low frequency electric stimulation treating women with acute mastitis in puerperium.

此外,白带异常的预防,首先应节制房事,注意月经期、妊娠期和产褥期的卫生。In addition, the precaution with unusual leucorrhoea, answer above all abstemious sex, notice the sanitation of menses, gestation and puerperium.

结论妊娠期抗凝蛋白缺陷与静脉血栓栓塞的形成密切相关。Conclusions The formation of venous thromboembolism during pregnancy and puerperium is highly associated with the deficiency of anticoagulant proteins.

结论血流迟缓、静脉壁损伤、高凝状态及髂血管的解剖学结构特点是导致血栓形成的主要因素。Conclusion The slow flow, injured wall, high-coagulate state and anatomic characteristics of the iliac vessels are main factors led up to LEDVT during puerperium.

晚期产后出血是指分娩24小时后,在产褥期内发生的子宫大量出血,是产科的严重并发症之一。Terminal blooding after delivery that during puerperium plentiful of blooding causes 24 hours later is one of serious cases occurring simultaneously in maternity department.

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结论月嫂陪护有助于产褥期产妇的生理康复,减少恶露、感染发生,有助于提高产妇产后生活质量。Conclusion With the accompanying of puerperal-sitter, puerperants in puerperium would recover better with less lochia and infection, which improves the life quality of puerperants.

结论家庭探访对促进初产妇产褥期生理机能恢复和维护心理健康具有明显作用,可有效提高初产妇的生活质量。Conclusion Home follow-up can promote the restoration of physiological functions, protect the psychological healthy, and also increase the quality of life of primiparas during puerperium.

目的了解妇女产褥期行为习惯的现状及影响健康的因素,探讨现代妇女科学的产褥期行为方式和保健模式。Objective Through surveying for behaviors and habits of women in puerperium, and reasons influencing their health, researches a behavior and health care model for the modern women in puerperium.