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跑道未清除,拉起复飞。Clear ice on the runway.

飞机着陆未达飞机跑道。The plane undershot the runway.

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飞机疾驰飞离了跑道。The plane span out of the runway.

跑道上机场专车来回穿梭。The airport shuttle on the runway.

飞机在跑道上滑行。The plane taxied along the runway.

飞机沿着跑道滑行。The plane taxied along the runway.

我们看着喷射机沿跑道滑行。An airplane taxiing down the runway.

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滑行在宽阔跑道上的华航客机。CAL plane taxiing to the wide runway.

你认为她在秀台上看起来如何?What do you think of her runway look?

请求用36R跑道优先着陆。Request priority landing at runway 36R.

飞机正沿跑道滑行。The airplane is taxiing down the runway.

那架喷气式飞机开始拐出主跑道。The jet began to turn off the main runway.

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好,把所有的模特儿带到伸展台来。OK, bring all the models out on the runway.

事故的起因是跑道上的一块金属碎片。The cause was a piece of debris on the runway.

飞机从跑道上腾空而起,向北飞去。The plane cleared the runway and headed north.

下面就已经是跑道了,斯特里克林很清楚。There was a runway just below, Stricklin knew.

而克劳切克却恰好相反,她还有很长的路要走。Krawcheck, in contrast, has a long runway ahead.

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做清晰地左向盘旋目视进场。Cleared left spiraling visual approach runway 22.

我们看着喷射机沿跑道滑行。We watched the jet plane taxiing down the runway.

小型喷气式飞机的轮胎摩擦跑道发出了刺耳的声音。The screech of the jet's tires hitting the runway.