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现在,它已成为计量学的一个新的独立分支。Vacuum metrology has become a new independent branch of metrology.

主要内容包括理论计量经济学和应用经济计量学。The main contents include theory econometrics and applied economic metrology.

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医学计量是在现代计量的基础上发展起来的一个新兴领域。Medical metrology, a new field, develops on the basis of present-day metrology.

9月12日,我参观了位于马里兰州Gaithersburg的NIST电气计量实验室。On September 12, I visited the NIST electrical metrology labs in Gaithersburg, MD.

实际应用证明这套计量检定系统具有很强的灵活性和可扩展性。The PXI bus application has proved the flexibility and expansibility of metrology system.

国家的计量法规并未将X射线机定为计量器具。X-ray apparatus is not regarded as measuring instruments in the national code of metrology.

频率梳显著简化了频率测量并大大提高了测量的准确度。Frequency combs have dramatically simplified and improved the accuracy of frequency metrology.

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执行计量室的日常工作,包括测量仪器的检定及管理。Implement routines in the Metrology Lab, including identification and management of equipment.

加强计量监督,做好服务工作,提高竞争能力。Strengthing Supervision of Metrology , Working Job of Service, Increasing Ability of Competition.

测量误差与测量不确定度,是计量学中的两个重要基本概念。Error of measurement and uncertainty of measurement are two important basic concepts in metrology.

工程表面的测量和评定是当今计量学领域的研究热点。Engineering surface texture Measurement and evaluation is a hot researching area in metrology today.

无线电测量既能引导激光测量系统,又能实现星间通信。Radio metrology not only guides laser metrology, but also provides communication between satellites.

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简要介绍国外光辐射计量采用的主要方法、测试手段和发展趋势。The main methods and test means used abroad in the optical radiation metrology are briefly introduced.

本文提出一套基于单视角测量并应用于视讯监控系统之高度估测方法。This paper presents a height estimation method for video surveillance systems based on single view metrology.

针对平行六面体模板,本文提出了一种新的摄像机标定方法,并实现空间测量。Aiming at parallelepiped model , a method for camera calibration and the metrology is presented in this paper.

目前各国计量院广泛采用低温辐射计作为光学计量的基础。As basis of optical metrology, cryogenic radiometers have been widely used among national metrology institutes.

光源,狭窄和宽带,以及测量和医疗成果,他们生产的,这里讨论。Light sources, narrow and broadband, as well as the metrology and medical outcomes they produce, are discussed.

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掌握机械行业常用计量器具的校准及使用方法者优先。Be priority if master the calibration and operation method of current metrology instruments in mechanical field.

讨论在此领域的最新进展,以及电阻标准和阻抗标准的应用。Discussion of the latest research activities in this area and applications of resistance and impedance metrology.

这些论述可被推广应用到大量出现在有关计量学文章中的这一类术语。The-statements can be extended to the other terms within this category which often appear in papers on metrology.