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约瑟夫*近一个烟花去引燃它。Joseph approached a firework to ignite it.

让我心中燃起希望的烈焰、响起春雷。Ignite hopes and spring thunder follows by.

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锅炉启动点火煤气为焦炉煤气。COG will be used to ignite and start boiler.

酷暑几乎能点燃任何干物质。Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter.

让主耶稣来激发你生命的潜力吗?Let Jesus ignite the potential of your life?

它们仍然指引着创新的全过程。They will still ignite the innovation process.

无所不能轻易放弃最初的打算,但也无所不能激起现状。Don't ago dhave but don't ignite the situation.

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是博立顿大学的格言。"Ignite your spirit" is the motto of Benedictine.

有时候,一个小火花会引燃巨大能量。Sometimes, just a small spark to ignite the powder.

蒸汽可能引起闪火或具有爆炸性。Vapors may cause a flash fire or ignite explosively.

只是不要激起他的愤怒,否则他会与你为敌。Just don't ignite his wrath or he could turn against you.

在某些情况下,泄露的硅烷不会立刻点燃。In some cases, leaks of silane will not ignite immediately.

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抑或只是一个嫣然浅笑,便点燃了你眼眸中的那抹闪亮。Maybe even give a little smile and ignite that twinkle in your eye.

在足以点燃固体燃料的高温中,HTP就是这样反应的。And it does so at a high enough temperature to ignite the solid fuel.

它能点燃你的精神和使你感觉你能够做到任何事情。It can ignite your spirit and make you feel like you can do anything.

用这张义大利情歌音乐集,为你燃点起浪漫的火花。Ignite the spark of romance with this collection of Italian Love Songs.

我们的投资理念是,仅仅用一根火柴点燃地狱般的火海。Our investment mantra is to ignite raging infernos with a single match.

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由于可以自燃,大多数泄露一接触到空气立刻就会点燃。Being pyrophoric , most leaks will immediately ignite on contact with air.

这块钛金属长条使得飞机的一只轮子爆裂,并导致油箱失控起火。A titanium strip ruptured a tire and caused a fuel tank to fail and ignite.

真我会荣曜双生光或神圣同行,去点燃神圣的内在火焰。Self accolades for twins or counterparts to ignite the divine flame within.