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我比较喜欢在家吃饭。Me gusta más comer en casa.

再论我看着马斯卡内萨。Further on I watched Mas Carnaza.

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MAS就是最后阶段的速度。The MAS is the speed of the last level.

林德太太和善地说,“我当然会原谅你的。”But Mas Lynde said kindly, 'Of course I forgive you.

这是伊诺尼马斯大教堂,修建于公元1102年。This is the Oenone Mas cathedral, constructed in 1102.

运动员可以以MAS跑4到10分钟。An athlete can run, on average, 4 to 10 minutes at MAS.

没想到坂垣正雄就等在仓库内。Didnt expect BanYuan mas ao is waiting in the warehouse.

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安置好的炸药被坂垣正雄切断了导火索。Mounted explosives were BanYuan mas ao cut off the fuse.

互动应用程式的常识推论,MAS.964。Common Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications, MAS. 964

时光飞逝,转眼又一年。大家新年快乐!Merry X- mas and Happy New Year to you all! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

我前几天没在家,去了济宁、济南。I más reciente varios días no en hogar. Ha ido a Jining, Jinan.

在这个地区有云南省两个最大的湖泊。En esta zona se encuentran dos de los lagos más grandes de Yunnan.

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多智能体学习是多智能体系统和机器学习等研究领域的交叉。MAS learning is a domain intercrossed between MAS and machine learning.

端到端加密通信是适用于MAS系统的高级保密功能。End-to-end encryption communication is a high-level security function of MAS system.

马斯·阿梅达是一个男性查格里亚人,一对发育良好的列特角从其肩膀垂下。Mas Amedda was a Chagrian male, with well-developed lethorns draped from his shoulders.

基于角色的集中规划式MAS结构是CGF仿真中群体组织的主要形式。Role-based central programming MAS structure is a basic organization form in CGF simulation.

引入功能权值的概念,用来衡量每个任务的完成对总系统目标的贡献。The function weight is proposed to indicate every task's contribution to the overall goal of MAS.

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本文针对多智能体的协作策略,探讨了多智能体协作策略在机器人足球仿真比赛中的应用。In this thesis, the coordination strategy of MAS applied in the field of RoboCup simulation is proposed.

当天晚上,玛丽拉和安妮在林德太太温暖的厨房里的时候,安妮突然给她跪下了。Later that evening, when she and Anne were in Mas Lynde's warm kitchen, Anne suddenly fell on her knees.

金光集团运动员代表方迎春先生还代表全体运动员宣誓。Sinar Mas Group on behalf of the athletes Mr. Fang Yingchun was also sworn in on behalf of all athletes.