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优先权作为一项古老的特权,是为了保护弱者利益而生的。Priority is an ancient privilege born to protect the unprivileged.

预设情况下,在运行时将选择一个可用的无特权埠。By default an available unprivileged port will be chosen at runtime.

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为避免安全问题,登录界面默认以无特权用户运行。By default, the greeter is run as an unprivileged user for security.

一些程序需要以非特权用户的身份执行特权操作。Some programs need to perform privileged operations on behalf of an unprivileged user.

而这个过程中,我发现了最让我震惊的香港穷人的生活状态。During my visit to Hong Kong, I was also surprised to see the poverty of the unprivileged.

农业是弱势产业,农村是弱势地区,农民是弱势群体。Agriculture is a weak industry, villages are disadvantaged areas, and farm- ers are unprivileged groups.

对于“提供设备”属性,可选择“特权证书存储区”或“非特权证书存储区”。For the provision device property select either privileged certificate store or unprivileged certificate store.

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对于“提供设备”属性,可选择“特权凭证存放区区”或“非特权凭证存放区区”。For the provision device property select either privileged certificate store or unprivileged certificate store.

不管你是博士、硕士还是白领阶层,一旦加入到打工行列,就意味着从社会最底层做起。No matter you are a doctor, a master, or white-collar, once you join in it, that means you are one of the unprivileged.

而文件名中带有0的包括物理硬件的驱动,它才是被用于引导真实操作系统的内核。The '0' suffixed privileged versions can be used to boot the system, as well as in driver domains and unprivileged domains.

权限分离的目的在于防止权限增加,方法是在未授权的进程中包含任何损坏。The goal of privilege separation is to prevent privilege escalation by containing any corruption within the unprivileged processes.

典型的解决方案是使用一个目录,使该目录的权限根本不允许未经授权的程序添加或者删除文件。The typical solution is to use a directory for which the permissions don't allow unprivileged programs to add or remove files at all.

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问题在于,如何判断一个非特权用户在运行某个程序时需要的最小能力集。The question arises how you would determine the minimal capability set required for an unprivileged user to run any particular program.

许多国家为了保护劳动者的工资按时足额的支付,纷纷赋予劳动者工资优先权,来保护这一弱势群体的合法利益。In order to ensure the payment of wages, many countries grant wage priority to the employee, protecting the interests of the unprivileged group.

核心安全技术公司通知我们,管理网页添加某些插件可以被无特权的用户浏览,导致信息泄漏。Core Security Technologies notified us that admin pages added by certain plugins could be viewed by unprivileged users, resulting in information being leaked.

另外,如果攻击者迫使这个程序执行另一个文件,那么所有能力都会撤消,将作为非特权用户执行这个文件。And if the attacker should coerce the program into executing another file, all capabilities will be dropped and the file will be executed as an unprivileged user.

所有这些,既有悖于合作社公开、公正、平等基础上“共同经营”、谋社员“共同利益”原则,又未能符合其联合弱者救济贫穷的精神主旨。All these contradicted not only the principle of "managing together" and "seeking collective interest", but also the spirit of helping the poor and the unprivileged.

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可是几个月后,开发者无意地回滚了所作修复,又一次让操作系统置身于有被非特权用户夺取完全根权限之可能的高危风险中。But several months later, developers inadvertently rolled back the change, once again leaving the OS open to attacks that allow unprivileged users to gain full root access.