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她勉强获准留在这里。I'm here on sufferance.

她勉强获准留在这里。She is here on sufferance.

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移民获准进入大城市的过程更加痛苦。Migrants are allowed into big cities on sufferance.

我住在一个新的住宅区。He have been allowed to live in the house on sufferance.

他们的住宅是该街区最大的住宅。He have been allowed to live in the house on sufferance.

感谢报社所付出的时间和耐心。I am very grateful to newspaper office's time and sufferance.

你是我唯一可以容忍的总司令人选,你最好记得这一点。You are only lord commander by my sufferance. You would do well to remember that.

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微量元素铬、锌与糖尿病有密切的关系。Trace elements zine and chromium have close relationship to the sufferance of diabetes mellitus.

根据假设和受力分析,建立了锚弹的外弹道模型。A growth shell exterior ballistic model is established according to the hypotheses and the characteristics of sufferance force.

而后人更难以在这些经验的基础之上继续前行,从他们的遭遇中获取力量。And then it is more difficult to go ahead over the base of those experiences for later generations, to get strength from their sufferance.

其诗歌揭示了现代生活中因神的放逐带来的精神贫困及受难的现代意义。Mu's poetry reveals the spiritual poverty in modern life brought about by the exile of gods and it also suggests the modern meaning of sufferance.

痛经是个盛行率高,且影响女性甚钜的经期健康问题,但一般妇女常以忍耐、忽视的态度对待之,甚至更有人误以为此为正常的生理现象。The menstrual cramp is a popular healthy problem of women. But most women often treat it by sufferance and neglect it as normal physiological phenomenon.

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生的苦难、爱的救赎,更是余华以往悲悯情怀的展现,体现了余华狂欢化叙事背后的终极追求。The sufferance of life and the salvation of love, which represent Yuhua's ideas of miseries, embody his extreme pursue underlying his carnival narration.

通过阅读这封信,让学生感受PNG的儿童学习、生活处境的艰难,学会更加珍惜自己的学习机会。Reading of this letter may expose the students to the sufferance of the PNG children, and teach the students to cherish their advantageous learning conditions.

芯片在工作时容易变热,为了保证芯片工作在一个稳定的状态,必须保证芯片温度的变化在可容许的范围以内。High-speed chips tend to run hot, in order to keep the chips within the steady operating state, it is necessary to keep the chips temperature change in a sufferance ranges.