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他身体很瓷实。He is solidly built.

我造了这个新镇。I built the new town.

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建于1766年。It was built in 1766.

我们共同建设的。We built it together.

是的,我自己建的。Yes, I myself built it.

他盖了一间自行车棚。He built a bicycle shed.

他为这个小镇造的。He built it for the town.

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石圈是怎么样建成的?。How was Stonehenge built?

自己属于大器晚成型。You belong to built type.

我是一个缰绳木偶。Built as a tied-up puppet.

水坝是河狸筑的。Dams are built by beavers.

可能他们制造了场景。Maybe they built the sets.

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这女孩是细条儿身材。The girl was slimly built.

他们在那儿修了一座桥。They built a bridge there.

我们建筑了伟大的楼台。We the great gazebo built.

这样一个沙城堡就建成了。A sandcastle will be built.

冰冻三尺,非一日之冷。Rome is not built in a day.

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她树立了我的信心。She built up my confidence.

系统是在竖井中构建的。Systems are built in silos.

这块地现在已盖满了房子。The land is now built over.