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你真是个不怕羞的淘气妞儿。She was a shy, retiring girl.

蝙蝠侠甚至想要退休。Batman even thinks of retiring.

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为什么你要退休?Signor, why exactly are you retiring?

他是一位沉默寡言不爱交际的人。He is a very quiet and retiring person.

退役前他当了十年投手。He pitched for ten years before retiring.

他这种与世无争的态度更增加了他的威望。This retiring attitude enhanced his prestige.

你听说Jfirsts教授要退休了吗?Have you Listend which Professor Jfirsts is retiring?

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辞职的董事可连选连任。A retiring director shall be eligible for re-election.

两个即将退职的董事提出要求重新当选。Two retiring director offer themselves for re election.

他是退休的黑社会和洗钱的贷款业务。He is retiring from the triad and money-lending business.

甭想55退休了,65也退不了,没准儿得耗到75去了。Forget about retiring at age 55. Or 65. Or perhaps even 75.

退居二线的老插件标签数据的两个入口。Retiring of the two importers of Tag data from old plugins.

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李光耀打算退位而依然听政。Lee Kuan -yew contemplates retiring with a hand on the helm.

在睡觉前避免吃糖或含糖食品。Avoid eating sugar or food that contain sugar before retiring.

加纳总统库福尔在执政8年后将退休。President John Kufuor is retiring after eight years in office.

新闻报道说,姚明由于脚伤而退役。Yao Ming is reportedly retiring due to career-ending injuries.

许多教师正在等候新进人员,以便退休。Many teachers are waiting for new replacements before retiring.

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斟酌用内存“退休”法来完成哈希表的按桶加锁。Consider memory retiring to implement per-chain hash-table locks.

考虑用内存“退休”法来实现哈希表的按桶加锁。Consider memory retiring to implement per-chain hash-table locks.

“先生,梅乐思教授要退休了吗?”里德尔问。"Sir, is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring?" he asked.