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最好的例证就是伯特兰兰·罗素的作品了。The best example is Bertrand Russell's work.

最好的例证就是伯特兰·罗素的作品了。The best example is Bertrand Russell’s work.

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伯特兰。罗素遭受了许多感情问题的折磨。Bertrand Russell suffered a lot of emotional problems.

我意识到我不想和伯特兰说话。我能和他说什么呢?I realized I did not want to talk to Bertrand. What could I say to him?

一位好莱坞女明星遇见了英国哲学家伯特兰罗素。A Hollywood actress once met the British philosopher, Bertrand Russell.

考试乔·伯特兰你还记得掌心满是汗水的恐怖感觉吗?Exams by Jo Bertrand Do you remember that nasty feeling of sweaty palms?

古诺是在产量上竞争,而伯川德是在价格上竞争The Cournot was competing in quantities and Bertrand is competing in prices.

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切尔西的英格兰U21国脚伯特兰将通过租借加盟。The Royals have taken Chelsea's England Under-21 left-back Bertrand on loan.

当年英国哲学家罗素来华巡回讲学,赵元任担任翻译。Chao acted as interpreter when Bertrand Russell took a lecture tour of China.

到了19岁,他开始跟随罗素学习元数学。D. from Harvard. By 19 he was studying metamathematics with Bertrand Russell.

所以最幸福的人过得都是忙碌而孤独的自己!As Bertrand Russell remarked, " The happiness of all lives as a busy solitudes".

贝特朗迈耶介绍合同的设计概念来做到这点以上。Bertrand Meyer introduced the concept of design by contract to do exactly the above.

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伯特兰·罗素是继弗雷格之后分析哲学的领军人物。Bertrand Russell is the leader and follower of the analytical philosophy after Frege.

瑞士飞行员伯特兰·皮卡德驾驶这架太阳能飞机飞完了此次旅程的这一站。Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard operated the solar-powered plane on this leg of the tour.

在那十年中,给我印象最深的就是英国哲学家罗素。In those ten years, among others whom I met was the British philosopher Bertrand Russell.

这亦可从马克斯·韦伯和罗素等西方大家的论著中窥见一斑。This is also revealed in the works of some great thinkers like Max Weber and Bertrand Russell.

正如伯特兰德-罗素说的,“成功是得到自己想要的,快乐是想要自己得到的。”As Bertrand Russell says, "Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get."

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本文采用博弈论方法研究兼并和伯特兰德竞争对价格、竞争等的影响。This paper adopts game theory to analyze the Price efficiency of mergers and Bertrand competition.

有一则故事,讲到伯特兰.罗素在某个地方向公众做讲座,为他的无神论信仰辩护。There is a story about Bertrand Russell giving a public lecture somewhere or other, defending his atheism.

但万一卡瓦略留队,我想阿莱士将会在他的位置上面临十分激烈的竞争。Cole not going to Madrid, it seems Ferreira will fight for his place against either Van Aanholt or Bertrand.