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这就是公式了。That is the formula.

今年也适合这一公式。This year fits this formula.

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但这没有一个固定的公式。But it is not a fixed formula.

这样一来,我就得到了这个式子By doing it, I got this formula.

独家无刺激性配方。Exclusive non-irritating formula.

就是这个公式。He quantified it by this formula.

这些公式我全记不得。I remember none of these formula.

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因此用到了德布罗意的公式。So we use the de Broglie formula.

“你好”是社交中的客套话。How do you do is a social formula.

我重写了一遍公式。I have rewritten the formula here.

好的,我们如何证明这个公式?OK. How do we justify this formula?

这真的是一个很有用的公式。OK.That is a really useful formula.

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轻质混合土配方公式的研究。Research on recipes formula of BTS.

光纤熔接是一种粘土无公式。Fiber Fusion is a clay-free formula.

假如我给你一个关于f的式子。Say that I give you a formula for f.

快乐的密诀是什么?。What is happy secret rhymed formula?

成功并无一定之规。There is no sure formula for success.

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我们未必矢志坚持任何硬性方案。We are committed to no rigid formula.

棘轮机构式宽口型。Wide- type formula ratchet mechanism.

“您好。”是客气的套语。"How do you do?" is a polite formula.