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马正在吃。Horses are eating.

我们确实喜欢吃。We do love eating.

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避免吃到激素。Hormone-free eating.

我正在吃一个苹果。I am eating an apple.

我讨厌吃卷心菜。I hate eating cabbage.

你有坚持“每日五蔬果”么?Eating your five-a-day?

我喜欢欢吃西红柿。I like eating tomatoes.

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生鱼好吃吗?。Is raw fish good eating?

今晚我们在家里吃饭。We're eating in tonight.

金花鼠在吃东西?Are the chipmunks eating?

他们在啃骨头吗?。Are they eating the bone?

玉米。葛斯在吃玉米。Corn. Gus is eating corn.

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现在的我喜欢吃洋芋。Now I like eating potato.

它们在啃骨头。They are eating the bone.

吃午饭也是一样。Think about eating lunch.

蚂蚁正在吃蜜糖吗?Are the ants eating honey?

他喜欢吃饺子。He likes eating dumplings.

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喝茶就象吃银子一样啊。Tea is like eating silver.

他停止吃红色的肉制品。He stopped eating red meat.

我在吃西瓜。I am eating the watermelon.