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神是一位厚赐百物的神。He is a giving God.

发出声音。Giving off these sounds.

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我们能捐赠出多少呢?How much will we giving?

它无法再播放音乐It stops giving off music.

它不会再响了It's giving its last gasp.

我们正在逐步放弃用车!We were giving up our car!

但我喜欢送礼物的感觉!But I love giving presents!

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人之将死,其言也善。People die, giving is good.

算了,我们不学提琴了。We're giving up the violin.

我发给你们一些辅助材料。I'm giving you an aid sheet.

她在向我坚指头吗?。Is she giving me the finger?

她觉察到他正在放弃求生。She sensed he was giving up.

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施比受更为有福。Giving is better than taking.

我老板对我眉来眼去。My boss is giving me the eye.

我若操练凭信心把钱财给出去。If I practice giving in faith.

看,他在跟我抛媚眼。See , he is giving me the eye.

本项世界排名已经新鲜出炉了。The world giving index is out.

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是谁给的指令呢?Who's giving the instructions?

送巧克力给那个白痴?Giving chocolates to that baka?

那你能给我们两个备胎吗?So you're giving us two spares?