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我想就是你所说的拜占廷式。Byzantine I think you would call it.

这些形象属哥特式或者拜占庭式而非古典式。The images were Gothic or Byzantine rather than classical.

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这种大教堂具有拜占庭式的马赛克古代艺术的特征。The cathedral features the ancient art of Byzantine mosaics.

华东上海西郊拜占庭式教堂重开,吸引教内外人士Shanghai’s Byzantine Church Reopens, Attracts Catholics And Others

13世纪是拜占廷社会的一个转折时期。The 11-13th century was one transitional period of Byzantine society.

这段时间是拜占庭镶嵌画的盛期。During this time, the Byzantine mosaic entered its flourishing Period.

当然,这些强大的道歉,激起愤怒的拜占廷皇帝。Naturally, these powerful apologies aroused the anger of the Byzantine emperor.

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私募基金投资者杰拉德?帕斯基说这归因于拜占庭式的税收体系。The state's Byzantine tax system, says Gerald Parsky, a private-equity investor.

尼克拉斯,他居住在小亚细亚拜占庭的古利西亚小镇迈拉。Nicholas resided in the ancient Lycian town of Myra, located in Byzantine Anatolia.

在东方,他成功地建立起来了拜占廷对十字军小国的霸权。In the East he succeeded in establishing Byzantine hegemony over the crusading states.

第四次十字军东侵对拜占庭国家来说十一个规模空前的巨大灾难。The Fourth Crusade was a disaster of unprecedented dimensions for the Byzantine state.

早期的拜占庭军队由拜占庭矛兵和特拉勃森弓箭手组成。The early Byzantine forces consist mainly of Byzantine Spearmen and Trebizond Archers.

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探险家们从位于土耳其锡诺普黑海船只残骸附近发现这枚古时拜占庭钱币。Explorers pulled this ancient Byzantine coin from a Black Sea wreck near Sinop, Turkey.

这种技巧对拜占庭时期的大型微亮马赛克也产生过影响。This technique was responsible for the great shimmering mosaics of the Byzantine period.

洞穴本事是一间拜占庭修道院,大概有1000年的历史了。The cave itself used to be a Byzantine monastic retreat, dated at about 1, 000 years old.

一个名不见经传的拜占庭大师受到信仰鼓舞,设想出上帝乐园之美。An anonymous Byzantine master, inspired by faith, imagined the beauty of the Lord’s garden.

在外人看来,党的接班过程仍然充斥着不透明和拜占庭主义。To outsiders, the process of choosing party successors remains as opaquely Byzantine as ever.

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他们以拜占廷式的图案建造,小面积地用壁画做装饰。They are built on the byzantine pattern , in small scale , and have painted fresco decoration.

显然,拜占庭的希腊语借用了这个词,确切地说,是它用于形容硬币两面的意思。Evidently Byzantine Greek borrowed the word specifically as it applied to those faces on coins.

这一地区以前是罗马帝国和拜占庭帝国的一部分,1500年陷入奥托曼土耳其人手中。Formerly part of the Roman and Byzantine empires, the region fell to the Ottoman Turks by 1500.