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在东面看台那边奔跑的边线裁判。The linesman running the East Stand side.

同样的这个边裁却举旗了。The same linesman instantly raised his flag for offside.

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我对边裁的表现十分不满。I was really unhappy with the way the linesman performed.

主裁判似乎改了边裁的判罚,给了事实上不该有的点球。The referee seemed to overrule the linesman and give a penalty that wasn't.

其他还有巡边员、第四官员和记分员。There are also linesman , ball boys net cord officials, field officials and scorers.

米兰主教练对在佛罗伦萨比赛中吹掉了一个“好球”的边裁表示了强烈的不满。The Milan coach blasted the linesman for disallowing a 'regular' goal against Fiorentina.

“这个区域对于主裁和边裁来说真的是很难,”布鲁斯耸耸肩。"It is hard enough for the referee and linesman without this grey area, " Bruce shrugged.

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当迪迪埃射进他今季的第二十七个入球后,许多的越位判决随之接踵而来。Much waving at the linesman ensued as Didier slotted home his twenty-seventh goal of the season.

1966年,他们在决赛中得到了一位阿塞拜疆边裁的帮助,并最终夺冠。In 1966, the team benefited from one by a linesman from Azerbaijan on its way to winning the final.

这句话隐讳地表达了媒体的观点,主裁判和边裁的判罚值得商榷。Phrase to cover Media expressed the view of the referee and the linesman penalty is open to question.

但因为裁判和边裁都没看到球越过球门线,所以这个球就被判无效。However, that goal was denied because neither the referee nor linesman saw the ball cross the goal line.

球员们拒绝接受巡边员的判定,所以裁判决定再完整地打一枪。The players refused to accept the linesman 's decision, so the judge decided to play that round through.

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我认为边裁举旗时是越位,裁判吹哨时才是点球,”安切洛蒂说道。I think offside when the linesman puts his flag up and a penalty is when the referee whistles, ” Ancelotti said.

可是,守门被门将封堵弹出后,触球的那名队员很明显的越位了,但边裁没有举旗。However, the shot then rebounded to a player who was very clearly offside, but the linesman did not raise his flag.

嗯,不仅在这个论坛,而且那些中国人在中羽论坛也在谴责陈金与司线员。Well, not only in this forum. But in the China Badminton Forum, those china people also blame on CJ and the linesman.

再回过去看他们的进球确实挺让人失望,边裁应该是能做出正确的决定的。Looking at the goal again after the game it was disappointing, but I think the linesman could have got it right for us.

边裁以为我们球队的人在之前碰到了皮球所以是越位但是他改变了主意,我们的进球没有被吹。The linesman thought someone on our team touched the ball on so it was offside but he changed his mind and we had the goal.

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然而,此时边裁尚且在20码开外,主裁又无法看清楚,这个进球被判无效。德国人侥幸过关。With the linesman stranded 20 yards up field and the referee unable to see it, the goal did not stand and Germany survived.

进球确实应该有效,因为裁判让比赛继续。边裁和门将都犯了大错误。The goal should definitely have stood because the referee has played on. It's the linesman and goalkeeper who have made the biggest mistakes.

然后当你重新再发第二球时,巡边员判球出界了,我可以发誓我看到球打中了边线。Then when you played the second serve again, the linesman ruled that the ball went out of bounds. I could have sworn that I saw it hit the sideline.