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我想弟妇也总很好,”他躇踌着说道。I suppose your wife is all right, " he said hesitatingly ."

想好的话到嘴边处,又吞吞吐吐。Think good words to the mouth side, speak hesitatingly again.

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“妈,我们还有一个主意,”詹妮轻声说,有点迟疑。"We have another idea, Mom, " Jenny said quietly, hesitatingly.

给他打电话,他吞吞吐吐说不合适,还是继续做朋友。Call him, he said, speak hesitatingly or continue to make friends.

她犹犹豫豫地放弃了去听演唱会的机会。She hesitatingly turned down the occasion to listen to the concert.

我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地画了一笔,就。Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite.

虽是生命之光的沐浴,对于未知依然彷徨地爱着。They are bathed in the light of life, but hesitatingly love the unknown.

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“早安,”他当珍妮终于怯生生进来的时候对她说。"Good-morning, " the Senator said to Jennie, when finally she came hesitatingly into the room.

“也许能够罢——我想。”我于是吞吞吐吐地说。“那么,也就没人会再吹黑哨了?”"Perhaps can-I think. "I hence hesitatingly say. "So, also would the nobody blew black Shao again?"

我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地画了一笔,就像雪白地天也上地一粒蚕豆那么大小。Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field.

也许正想着一个有马和车的很早以前已经消失的真的大盗,Klim从林子里面走了出来,将信将疑的走向他的乘客。Klim, probably reflecting that a real robber would have vanished long ago with the horse and cart, came out of the forest and went hesitatingly up to his passenger.

十年后的今天,他们开始犹豫,是否应该要求国民向女皇宣誓忠贞,还有比这个更好的例子来说明如今新工党憧憬的破灭吗?Today, ten years on, they hesitatingly propose an oath of allegiance to the Queen. Could there be a more perfect illustration of the vanquished hopes and aspirations of new Labour?