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那是在推动它。That is pushing it.

嗯地面推着我。This floor is pushing.

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推还是拉数据?Pushing or pulling data?

这孩子正在推一辆婴儿车。The child was pushing a pram.

你今天得寸进尺了。You’re pushing your luck today.

他们修这辆手推车一直修到深夜。He came, pushing a barrow along.

就像不停地推一堵砖墙。It's like pushing on a brick wall.

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工人们正在推卷线杆。The worker is pushing the distaff.

而把胖子从桥上推下去吗?pushing the fat man off the bridge?

中国是否没有在这里推动轮胎?Is China not pushing its tires here?

张思之一直在推动司法改革。Zhang keeps pushing for legal reform.

请从这边走不要推人。Go this side please . No pushing away.

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我希望它们继续往上升!I'm pushing for them to keep on going!

如果车发动不起来就试着推推它。If the car won't start, try pushing it.

她老是把自己的兴趣强加于人。She's always pushing her own interests.

你用你自己的手推他。You're pushing him with your own hands.

我讨厌Jones先生对我们呼来唤去。I'm sick of Mr. Jones pushing us around.

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在这里向下压,这里也有。It's pushing down here. It's also there.

一会儿就连杨恩德里也停止了撑篙。After a time even Yandry stopped pushing.

我不能容忍人们大声吵嚷和乱冲乱撞。I can't stand people shouting and pushing.