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油炸锅里的食油已经热了。The fat in the fryer had heated all right.

您对这无油炸锅是怎么想的呢?What do you think about the concept of a no-fry fryer?

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真正的改进是在煤气炸锅的设计上。The real improvements have been in gas fryer burner design.

采用恒温控制,是一个伟大的办法,以避免油炸油炸锅大火。Using a thermostat controlled fryer is a great way to prevent deep fry pans fires.

Fryer称,一般认为,较大的恒星爆炸产生的能量要比较小的恒星少。Larger stars are thought to explode with less energy than smaller ones, Fryer says.

该产品旨在为广大互联网用户解除越发严重的“肉鸡”威胁。This product aims to remove for broad Internet user even more serious " fryer " minatory.

南北去说服李忠孝不要参加婚礼,他害怕罗梅炸锅。North and south to persuade Li Zhongxiao dont attend the wedding, he is afraid of laumiere fryer.

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大部分学生都在肯德基炸薯条的时候,你就已经在斗牛士西餐厅张罗餐桌赚钱养活自己了。Most students, they work on the fryer at KFC, but you bussed tables at Il Picador to support yourself.

在重复使用液态煎炸油之前,应过滤除去食物残渣。Before you reuse liquid deep fryer grease, it should be strained to remove old crumbs and food particles.

嗯,当我还是个小孩子的时候,我住在德国,它们取出鲤鱼的内脏,然后将它们扔到炸锅中油炸。Mmmm. When I was a kid, we lived in germany and they'd gut Carp and throw them in a deep fat fryer whole.

业内人士指出,肉鸡已经成为威胁互联网安全的一个重要因素。The personage inside course of study points out, the fryer has become a of minatory Internet safety main factor.

“油炸机”指的是哪些具有被黑客掌控了的安全漏洞,通常都是走后门的。A "fryer" is a computer with security leaks that is already under a hacker's control, usually through a back door.

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如果你想重复使用液态煎炸用油且没有粗棉布,可以用一次性咖啡滤纸代替。If you want to reuse liquid deep fryer grease and do not have cheesecloth, strain it through a disposable coffee filter.

及时倒掉老油,按照生产说明清洗油炸锅,重新使用新油。Dispose of it properly, clean the deep fryer according to manufacturer instructions, and begin with new oil of your choice.

但是,通过这种经过基因处理的大豆,研究人员说,他们可能已找到一种确保油炸食品重新使用豆油的方法。But with the genetically-engineered soybean, researchers say they may have found a way to put soybean oil back in the fryer.

我打算尝尝,但是看到服务员从锅�捞出的一篮薯条沾满了油,真是吓了我一大跳。I decided to give them a try.I was dismayed when the clerk pulled a basket of fries from the fryer which were dripping with fat.

了解如何准备这个免费烹饪视频的一个油炸机感恩节火鸡如何油炸感恩节火鸡。Learn how to prepare a Thanksgiving turkey for a deep fryer in this free cooking video on how to deep fry a Thanksgiving turkey.

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弗莱尔是一个同性恋心理医师,1972年他戴着假发和面具出现在在达拉斯举行APA年会上,以此来掩盖他的身份。Fryer was a gay psychiatrist who appeared at APA's 1972 annual meeting in Dallas wearing a wig and a mask to shield his identity.

我打算尝尝,但是看到服务员从锅里捞出的一篮薯条沾满了油,真是吓了我一大跳。I decided to give them a try. I was dismayed when the clerk pulled a basket of fries from the fryer which were dripping with fat.

了解如何使用腌感恩节火鸡在这个自由的视频油炸锅做饭就如何炸至感恩节火鸡。Learn how to marinade a Thanksgiving turkey using a deep fryer in this free cooking video on how to deep fry a Thanksgiving turkey.