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但是对于人体的研究远未得到定论。Butthe body of research is far from conclusive.

萨拉·潘恩认真地擦洗着煎锅,从外到里一丝不苟。Sarah Penn washed the frying-pan with a conclusive air.

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经全国各地患者临床实践,疗效确凿。The clinical practice throughout the country, conclusive effect.

结论部分对全文的思路和内容进行了梳理和总结。The conclusive part teases the clew summarizes all the contents.

关于流感疫苗与格林-巴利综合征的数据尚未定论。The data on flu vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome are not conclusive.

虽然证据确凿,但林洪还是拒不认罪。Although conclusive evidence, but Hong Lin still has pleaded not guilty.

还有“和我其他的发现一样,我对此确信无疑。”and that "it seems to me as conclusive as any finding I know of in science."

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当时的市长说,没有结论性的证据说明他杀了自己。The mayor at the time said there was no conclusive evidence he killed himself.

惠特曼向公众保证在测试下结论之前空气是安全的。Whitman assured the public that the air was safe before testing was conclusive.

对我来说,这篇文章除了作者那分热情之外,看不出什么令人信服的地方。To me, this article appears conclusive of little beyond the zeal of its inditer.

“唯一起决定性作用的就是与哮喘的关系,”费尔德曼先生说。“The only conclusive thing that was found was with the asthma, ” Mr. Feldman said.

一个限制矫正的更大的试验将会提供更具决定性的结果。A larger trial that controlled for remediations would offer more conclusive results.

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为保证安全所作的努力,都是为了达到与苏联求得最后解决的目的。Exertions to ensure security were aimed at a conclusive settlement with the Soviet Union.

最后给出了矢量控制变频系统调速的结论分析。In the end, the conclusive analyse of vector control variable-frequency system is presented.

面对确凿的证据马鸣无可争辩,立刻因受贿被关押。In the face of conclusive evidence maming immediately jailed for bribery beyond all dispute.

因此,方法问题排除结论备注关于生活质量的问题。Thus, methodological problems preclude conclusive remarks concerning quality-of-life issues.

面对同样的变化,同样的复习时间,复习方法对结果的决定性显而易见。Face similar change, review time likewise, revise a method the conclusive clearly to the result.

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如果你想在生命中有永久的、牢固的、决定性的改变,你需要一个支持小组。If you want change in your life to be permanent, strong, and conclusive you need a support group.

尽管没有决定性的证据说明二者之间的因果关联,但是很多科学家相信事实就是如此。Although there is no conclusive evidence that one caused the other, many scientists believe it did.

从骨折固定力学角度明确了髌骨横形骨折应首选张力钢丝固定法。It was conclusive that the transverse fracture of patella ought to select the tensive wire fixation.