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她轻轻地转动把手。She twiddled the knob.

何为旋钮和管道式布线?What is knob and tube wiring?

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崁入式音质调整钮。Hiding knob of tone adjustment.

球形把手断在她手里了。The knob broke off in her hand.

她转动门把手。She twirled the knob of the door.

他转动着仪表板上的一个旋钮。He twiddled a knob on the dashboard.

把旋钮拧到适当的定位挡上。Twist the knob to the right setting.

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家俱匠成了装把手的。Furniture makers became knob turners.

于是他拉了拉那上边的一个塑料圆头。Then he pulled the plastic knob on it.

这个旋钮只是用透明胶带固定住的。This knob is only held on by sellotape.

这个旋钮只是用通明胶带牢固住的。This knob is only held on by sellotape.

从另一个房间里传来门把手转动的声音。Sound of a knob turning in the other room.

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床架上一个松动的球形铜扣发出嘎啦声。A loose brass knob on the bedstead rattled.

我转动了那积满灰尘的门把,用力地把门拉开了。I turned the dusty knob and heaved it open.

利用带小勾的铁线打开把手的盖子。Use a wire to remove the ball bearing knob.

我下楼拧动了门把手。I went down the stairs and twisted the knob.

一个硬件旋钮上我们需要多少销键?How many detents do we need in a hardware knob?

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他转动门把手,然后走了进去。He twisted the knob of the door and went inside.

你的房门上挂着“请勿打扰”牌。There's a Do-Not-Disturb sign on your door knob.

将旋钮按顺时针方向转,打开电视机。Turn the knob clockwise to switch the TV set on.