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深沉的暗紫色。Deep opaque purple.

不透明白斗鱼就是这种鱼。White Opaques must be Opaque.

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可以搭配不透明的淡黄色。Cyclopes Available on opaque Cream.

皮肤下泛黄又模糊。yellow and opaque beneath the skin.

由胶水协调的不透光水彩。An opaque watercolor bound with gum.

有一套配着不透光玻璃门的淋浴设备。There was a shower with an opaque glass door.

你可以用不透光的眼罩把眼睛蒙住。You can cover your eyes with an opaque eye mask.

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这个旋转式洒水车由不透明的材料制成。This rotary sprinkles is made of opaque material.

阳像线划原图和注记必须是不透明的。Positive line work and letterpress must be opaque.

这是一个典型的半官方不透明组织。It is a typically opaque semiofficial organization.

不透明锈褐色基调上闪耀着深金色。Shimmery deep gold, with an opaque rusty brown base.

酒体是深墨紫红的色泽。Dark and almost opaque purple with ink-coloured tints.

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您可以这样做,但是我发现语法有些不透明。You can do that, but I find the syntax kind of opaque.

这是一个典型的半官方不透明组织。It is a typically opaque semiofficial organization. Mr.

深绿色,圆形不透明涂层双凸片。A dark green, round biconvex tablet with opaque coating.

他把一个不透明体放在一盏灯和眼睛间。He interposed an opaque body between a light and the eye.

这是一扇厚重、不透明的颜色,就像鹅蛋。It is thick, opaque and resemble the colour of goose egg.

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适用一次烧、地壁砖,锆白亮印刷釉。Opaque and gloss printing glaze for wall or floor titles.

曾经是很清澈的山溪,现在受到污染变得混浊了。The once clear mountain stream is now polluted and opaque.

因为对于中微子而言,地球就好比是透明的,而对于光来说,地球就是个不透光的实心球。The Earth is transparent to neutrinos, but opaque to light.