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探讨狂想曲的风格与“随想”术语之关连性。Discusses Rhapsody the style and "a capriccio" correlation of the terminology.

胜利与正义,这两名战士在利用他那忠诚的剑创造狂诗!Victory and justice. The Iberian rhapsody of a warrior's loyalty to his sword.

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此前,Rhapsody也曾尝试过这种策略,向用户提供两周以及60天的免费试用期。Rhapsody has tried the tactic before, offering two-week and 60-day free trials.

诚挚的邀请您加入我们的怀抱,和我们共同畅想青春狂想曲!Please join us, and pamper imagination on the youthful rhapsody with us together!

并与先秦以来赋体的基本模式有关。It also has much to do with the fundamental model of Rhapsody since the Pre-Qin days.

欧文还认为,这个体制对拥有最多现成用户的服务商有利,从而帮到Rhapsody。Irwin thinks the scheme will favor the services with the most existing customers, helping Rhapsody.

音乐搜索还包括专辑曲目和音乐网站Pandora,imeem和Rhapsody的链接。The search results are also accompanied by album art and links to music sites Pandora, imeem and Rhapsody.

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至六朝,题材多样、篇幅短小的咏物小赋已成为赋中大宗。Until Six Dynasties, Object-chanting Fu with various themes and short length, had been a main school in rhapsody.

尽管49美分已经低到99美分原价的一半,但销量却是原来的三倍。Although the 49-cent tracks were only half the price of the 99-cent tracks, Rhapsody sold three times as many of them.

所以曹丕做的诗赋很好,更因他以“气”为主,故于华丽以外,加上壮大。Pi Poetry and Rhapsody do so well, but also because of his "gas" as the mainstay, it was gorgeous outside, coupled with growth.

Rhapsody开创了付费音乐订阅服务的先河,现在理所应当站在聚光灯下享受万众瞩目的礼遇。For all its work in pioneering paid music subscriptions, Rhapsody should be enjoying a moment in the digital limelight right now.

广受欢迎的Rhapsody音乐订阅服务也可以在便携式播放器上使用,并有预先编排的音乐频道。The popular Rhapsody subscription music service is also available on portable players, and offers pre-programmed channels of music.

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乔治格什温说钢琴和爵士乐队他的“蓝色狂想曲”原本。它后来又成为最喜爱的交响音乐会。George Gershwin wrote his "Rhapsody in Blue" originally for piano and jazz band. It later went on to become a symphony concert favorite.

熠熠闪光的大地上升起一缕青烟,仿佛炉香缭绕,大群无影无踪的精灵正在兴高采烈地摇晃着无形的香炉。From the shining earth a faint smoke arose, like incense, shaken from invisible thuribles in a rhapsody of joy by hosts of unseen spirits.

调和人伦、献谀神灵和祭祀祖先是汉赋中酒的基本文化功能。In the Han Rhapsody the basic cultural functions of drinking include reconciling interpersonal relations and offering sacrifice to ancestors or gods.

尽管Rhapsody在这个行业拥有十年的先发优势,但它却突然发现,自己得拼尽全力去追赶一家新晋公司大步流星的步伐。Despite a ten-year head start in that very business, Rhapsody suddenly finds itself trying desperately to catch up to the momentum of a glitzy newcomer.

与西方古典文学相比,中国古代诗赋中,关于大海的描写显得不够丰富。Compared with the western classical literature, the ancient Chinese classical poetry and rhapsody seem to be not rich enough in the description of the sea.

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谷歌还与音乐网站Pandora、iMeem及Rhapsody合作,整合指向这些网站的链接,帮助用户发现与搜索关键字相关的音乐。Google has also teamed up with Pandora, iMeem and Rhapsody to incorporate links to those music sites, to help consumers discover music related to search queries.

今年年底,在皇家加勒比海游轮登陆亚洲的航季中,海洋迎风号将在2007年12月至2008年4月间呈献三次12夜航行。Later this year, during Royal Caribbean's inaugural season in Asia, Rhapsody of the Seas will sail three to 12-night cruises between December 2007 and April 2008.

百联东方广场中间的巷子里,在“果子狂想曲”吃烧仙草、豆花,还要搭配一份对面泡菜店的酸萝卜。In the alleys on the Bailian Eastern Square, you can hot grass jelly and tofu pudding at the store named "Rhapsody Fruit. " Across the street, a shop sells pickled radish.