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你一直是云云地令我爱好成癖。You're all the time so addictive.

投资驱动的增长是让人上瘾的。Investment-driven growth is addictive.

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东奔西忙的创业生活让人上瘾The buzz of startup life is addictive.

极度沉溺——我想要看更多。Highly Addictive -I want to watch more.

而这就是关系成瘾症的存在模式。This is how addictive relationships work.

我并不知道“上瘾”是否是正确的言语。Whether addictive is the right word I don't know.

她更像一枚麻药,关系成瘾的麻药。She's a like drug. An addictive relationship drug.

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有多少人认为食物是会上瘾的呢How many of you would say that food can be addictive?

这是一款会令你上瘾的娱乐游戏。It’s the kind of addictive fun you won’t get tired of.

这是另外个有意思又可供你娱乐的小东西。This is another fun and addictive one for you to enjoy.

无神论者、绝无烟、酒嗜好。Being an antitheist. Never addictive to smoking and alcohol.

他的「反英雄」看似沉迷上瘾,某程度却是沉迷于性事。His anti-hero seems addictive but is something of a sex-addict.

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有人可能认为抽烟从本质上说就具有成瘾性。One could argue that smoking, by its very nature, is addictive.

类似于连连看的游戏非同寻常而又很过瘾的一款手机游戏!Plunge with your mobile into a fun, addictive puzzle experience!

这些锭剂中含有烟草最令人上瘾的成分——尼古丁。The tablets contain tobacco's most addictive component, nicotine.

玩几百个上瘾的游戏,好玩的网游戏和走道游戏…Play hundreds of addictive games , fun web games and arcade games.

怀疑论者以为,互联网并无让人上瘾的特性。Sceptics say there is nothing uniquely addictive about the internet.

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这个使人上瘾的游戏在英国需要花费59便士,在美国需99美分。The addictive game costs 59 pence in the UK and 99 cents in the U.S.

毕竟,香烟里的尼古丁是一种很容易让人上瘾的毒品。After all, the nicotine in cigarettes is a powerfully addictive drug.

您的迷你游戏应该很简单,重量轻,让玩家上瘾。Your mini-game should be very simple, light and addictive for players.