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我们要去墨西拿。We're going to Messina.

毕竟,墨西拿是关键。After all, Messina is the key.

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昨晚在梅西纳的感觉如何?How did you feel yesterday at Messina?

我把这叫做意大利的“墨西拿综合症”。I call this Italy's “Straits of Messina Phenomenon.

我现在只考虑梅西纳以及如何打好赛季收观战。I am just thinking about Messina and closing the season well.

喔,第三师位于巴罗洛以东,正在向墨西拿前进。Well, the 3rd Division's east of Brolo, heading toward Messina.

墨西拿难民被重新安置在意大利境内其它城市。Refugees from Messina were relocated to cities throughout Italy.

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是的,他在锡拉库扎登陆,并且向北进往卡塔尼亚,或许甚至到墨西拿。Well, he'll land in Syracuse and drive north to Catania, possibly even Messina.

有一点我不会忘记,那就是弗洛卡里当初是自愿降薪从梅西纳转会到亚特兰大的。I won't forget that when Floccari was at Messina he dropped his wage demands to join us.

安德烈。舍甫琴科的两粒入球帮助米兰轻松的战胜梅西纳。Two goals from Andriy Shevchenko set Milan on their way to a comfortable win over Messina.

米兰确认了他们从梅西拿引进了门将马尔科·斯托拉里。Milan have confirmed the capture of goalkeeper Marco Storari from Serie A strugglers Messina.

蒙哥马利于某晚以两个师偷越墨西拿海峡,并未遭遇抵抗。Montgomery slipped two divisions across the Strait of Messina one night against no resistance.

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1897年,有人在墨西拿海峡抓住了一条性成熟的雄性鳗鱼,确认了这个理论。This was confirmed in 1897, when a sexually mature male eel was caught in the Strait of Messina.

丹麦人得分,这是他字二月对莫西拿比赛以来的首个进球。And the Danish striker redouble the score, his last goal dating back to February 2 against Messina.

不过我们为此做好了充分的准备,我们知道目前在梅西纳,天气是很热的。However, we had prepared to face this situation. We knew that it has been very hot in Messina lately.

米兰在周六击败了梅西纳,多亏队长马尔蒂尼使他们重回胜利的轨道。The Rossoneri defeated Messina on Saturday, returning to winning ways thanks to captain Paolo Maldini.

但是我的确知道,你在用部下的生命作赌注以便你比蒙哥马利先拿下墨西拿。But I do know you're gambling with the lives of those boys just so you can beat Montgomery into Messina.

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米兰的伤病危机得到了稍稍的缓解在卡拉泽被排进了周六对阵梅西纳的名单中。Milan's injury crisis has eased slightly after Kakha Kaladze was included in the squad for Saturday's Messina tie.

我们要注意他们的反击,上周,他们和拉齐奥的比赛中表现很好。We have to be careful about the counter-attack, Messina played well at Lazio last week who are going through a good period.

佛罗伦萨和恩波利可能提前获得联盟杯的席位如果他们在星期天能分别战胜莫西纳和雷吉纳。Fiorentina can secure a UEFA Cup spot if they win at already-relegated Messina on Sunday, as can Empoli who host struggling Reggina.