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我叫多丽丝,嗨。I'm Doris. Hi.

我的朋友都叫我多丽丝。My friends call me Doris.

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你好,多丽丝在吗?Hello, is Doris available?

噢,是啊,多里斯,真是可惜了。Oh, yes, Doris , it is a shame.

多丽丝和阿丽莎挤在沙发床上。Doris and Alisha take the sofa bed.

费雷德和多丽丝相视一笑。Fred and Doris smiled at each other.

我是多丽丝。请问您是哪位啊?This is Doris. Who is calling please?

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对于食物,多利斯总是吃牛肉。Doris is always beefing about her food.

大家都想让多里斯来当经理。Everybody wanted Doris to be the manager.

艾德华离职后,桃乐丝接手他的工作。After Edward quit, Doris took over his work.

你、桃丽丝和我一起见个面喝点酒怎么样?How about you meet Doris and me for a drink?

维克·塞克萨斯和多丽丝·哈特赢得了混合双打冠军。Seixas and Doris Hart won the mixed doubles.

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多丽丝和阿维德之间毫无爱情可言。There is no love lost between Doris and Arvid.

戴夫、颐索和桃丽丝把我接进客厅。Dave and Esau and Doris led me into the parlor.

朵丽丝今天下午将从台北回来。Doris will come back from Taipei this afternoon.

多利斯精明能干,我想她一定能做一名好经理。Doris has really got a good head on her shoulders.

没问题,我给多丽丝安排一个3级安全代码。No problem. I'm assigning Doris a Level Three security code.

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多丽丝·甘瑟已经在堪萨斯城做了35年的笔译和口译工作。Doris Ganser has been doing both in Kansas City for 35 years.

能获得多丽丝·戴奖,我们深感荣幸和光荣。We're flattered and honoured to receive this Doris Day Award.

多丽丝和弗洛拉两个形影不离,如胶似漆。Doris and Flora are inseparable. They're like two peas in a pod.