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国家统计局的回应方法是停止公布这一数据。The response from the NBS was to cease publication of the series.

其中使用NBS代替亚硫酰溴作为溴代试剂。In this process NBS was Instead of thionyl bromide as a Bromide reagents.

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据国统局称,该指数月环比下降0.3个百分点。The index recorded a month-on-month decrease of 0.3 percent, according to NBS.

第一部分是对南洋商学院MBA教育的发展进行综述。The first part sums up the process of the development of the MBA education of NBS.

国统局亦表明,五月消费者物价指数年环比下降了1.4个百分点。The NBS also announced the consumer price index for May was down 1.4 percent year on year.

NBS超声干涉仪水银压力计,为国际最高水平。The ultrasonic interference mercury manometer of NBS represents the highest level in the world.

此外在配合物8的合成中发现NBS与铁硫配合物作用的一种新反应。In addition, a new sort of NBS reaction was found unexpectedly in the synthesizing of complex 8.

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国统局在一次声明中称,生产资料价格在五月年环比下降8.8个百分点。Prices of production materials fell 8.8 percent in May year on year, the NBS said in a statement.

北京市统计局,国家统计局北京调查总队。北京统计年鉴2008。Beijing Municipal Bureau Statistics, NBS Survey Office in Beijing. Beijing Statistical Yearbook 2008

NBS对酶活性有部分抑制作用,表明酶活性与色氨酸残基有关。The NBS can also inhibit the enzyme activity, which demonstrated Trp was a component in the activity center.

四月份的数字下降了0.1个百分点,从3月份的32个月高5.4个百分点,根据国家统计局。The April figure was down 0.1 percentage points from March's 32-month high of 5.4 percent, according to the NBS.

国家统计局新闻发言人表示,CPI由负转正主要是由食品和居住类价格上涨带动的。The rise in commodity prices was mainly brought about by rising food prices and housing costs, NBS spokesman said.

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中国的GDP值并不以国家统计局的家庭调查为准,而是来自于企业的“资金流量分析”数据。China’s GDP figures do not rely on the NBS household survey, but on “flow-of-funds” data collected from enterprises.

国家统计局近年来一直在改进它的数据收集系统,比如说通过扩大覆盖范围。The NBS has improved its data-gathering methods in recent years, by extending its coverage of services, for example.

本研究采用以硫酸钙为改性剂,NBS为增韧剂,HIPS为主题塑料组成高分子复合材料。This study used as a modifier of calcium sulfate, NBS for toughener, HIPS as the theme of plastic polymer composites.

最高长官,统计局局长马建堂深入群众,当场回答了媒体/公众和在线网友的问题。Senior officials, from NBS chief Ma Jiantang on down, fielded questions from the media, the public and online participants.

但是,中国官方经济增长数据的问题并不仅仅在于地方官员说谎,国家统计局也并不总是高估增长水平。But lying local officials aren't always the problem with China's official growth data, and the NBS doesn't always err on the upside.

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琼脂扩散及免疫定量实验结果显示NBS处理后BSA的抗原性减弱。The agar diffusion and quantitative precipitin reaction show that the antigenicity of BSA decreases considerably after NBS treatment.

依据半监督聚类理论,提出了一种基于HLC颜色空间的以NBS颜色距离为优化准则的半监督聚类的织物图像分割算法。Based on the semi-supervised clustering, proposed a new way of textile image segmentation by the NBS color distance in HLC color space.

旧体系中的一些偏差在新体系中仍然存在,这也是国家统计局遗漏如此庞大的一部分服务业产值的另一个原因。Some of the biases in the old system linger in the new, and that's another reason the NBS missed such a large volume of services output.