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拜金主义,金钱至上。Money worship, money supremacy.

他们争雄天下。They strove for supremacy under heaven.

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他坚定地要挑战瑞典的霸权。He was determined to challenge Swedish supremacy.

但是,包头为此付出了高昂的代价。But Baotou has paid a steep price for its supremacy.

德国计划向英国的制海权挑战。Germany planned to challenge Britain's naval supremacy.

美国企图获得对他国的军事控制权。Amercia intends to get military supremacy over other nations.

我只有在拍神鬼疑云的时候做过一次。I've only ever done it the one time with The Bourne Supremacy.

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任何国家要想永保军事优势,纯属幻想。Any country on permanent military supremacy has become illusory.

地球的支配权,就由机器人的互殴来决定吧!Let's decide supremacy over the earth by a fight between robots.

移动产业,谁主沉浮,战火才刚刚燃起。The battle for supremacy in the mobile industry has only just begun.

理论上,君主如同国家元首般享有至高无上的权力。Theoretically, the monarch embodies supremacy as head of state. P130

本着“质量第一、用户第一、信誉至上”的宗旨。In"Quality First, users first, the supremacy of credibility"purposes.

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上世纪80年代,日本成为美国霸主地位的最新挑拨者。In the 1980s- Japan took over as new challenger to American supremacy.

奥巴马试图维护美国在亚洲地区的霸权。He is still keen to assert U. S. supremacy in Asia Pacific -- so the U.

现在轮到美国担心失去经济“超霸”地位的时候了。Now it is the Americans who fret about losing their economic supremacy.

我问他有没有觉得要为当下刮起的极客风付上点责任?Does he feel responsible for perpetrating the new supremacy of the geek?

他甚至都好像已经忘记了那套纯血统最高的鬼话。He even seems to have got over most of his Pureblood Supremacy bullshit.

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阿芷台克人为了巩固他们在墨西哥的统治权,对玛雅人采取了抑制策略。By subjugating the Mayas, the Aztecs strengthened their supremacy in Mexico.

作为全民选举的议院,众议院比参议院享有更多的优势。As the popularly elected House, Dáil Eireann enjoys supremacy over the Seanad.

早期培养为人民共和国确保了跳水的霸主地位。That early cultivation has ensured diving supremacy for the People's Republic.