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只是表示他们具有党派性。it just means they are partisan.

党派之间动嘴皮子的时间已经过去了。The time for partisan bickering is over.

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我们正处在有党派偏见的参院调查的前夕。We were on the ever of a partisan Senate inquisition.

他承诺要超越这些党派纷争。And he promised to transcend those partisan divisions.

这名总统候选人的门户之见似乎很深。The presidential candidate seemed to be very partisan.

但是这只是盲目的华盛顿头脑发热的空想罢了。But in febrile, partisan Washington that is a pipe-dream.

但在发热环境中,华盛顿党派分歧严重,一切便是黄粱美梦。But in febrile, partisan Washington that is a pipe-dream.

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他不愿卷入这种激烈的党争。He was reluctant to plunge into the bitter partisan wrangle.

在那些时候,泰德是党派斗争的目标。And at times, Ted was the target of partisan campaign attacks.

即使有最无法辩护的偏见之党派人士也相信正义。Even the most indefensibly narrow partisan believes in justice.

我们的特侦组何以如此惹人议论?How could our Special Investigative Unit be so flagrantly partisan?

大会星期一的日程中几乎取消了所有具有派性色彩的重要讲话。Monday, the convention was stripped of all major partisan speeches.

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下一个步骤是防止政府受到党派性的攻击。The next step was to secure the administration against partisan attack.

但表决再次表明了美国政治的政党政治性质。But the vote illustrated again the partisan nature of American politics.

这次市镇大会表明了美国党派的分歧。The town-hall meeting showed evidence of the partisan divide in America.

“我被党报的编辑咬了”,响尾蛇回答,伴随着一阵不详的传自尾部的死亡之音。"I have been bitten by the editor of a partisan journal," was the reply

民主党被指篡改州法律为本党谋私。Democrats were accused of fiddling with state law for partisan advantage.

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重新在能力测评框架下的争论不会结束党派分歧。Reframing the argument around achievement wouldn’t end partisan division.

从某种意义上来说,党派性新闻的增加应该是受人欢迎的。In one way the increasing availability of partisan news is to be welcomed.

游击队员扮小贩通过敌人的岗亭。The partisan disguised himself as a peddler and got by the enemy sentry box.